VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Thursday, October 27, 2011

computer woes

my hp is in the repair shop - ONLY THE THIRD TIME IN LESS THAN A YEAR. My old one I brought from home has been playing games with me. It types from right to left, but not always. Just when I think it has quit doing that, it begins again, and then switches back to normal part way through a word. That, I am sure is because you never know when it is really backwards or not, so cannot decipher anything. Yesterday I could not scroll either. Remember the days when there was no mouse - you had to use the arrow keys. Glad they left that feature on a computer keyboard - it comes in handy when the mouse does not feel like being part of my operating system. I think I am getting a step closer to being a Mac user. 

For those of you who still have me in your phone address book, and did not delete me once I left North America, I still have that phone connected. (my cell). It is on a basic plan, so no vm, caller id etc, but I can make and receive calls on it. So, we can keep in touch that way when I get back. Also, if you have a blackberry - we can use that feature too. Gotta publish this post now.  I am exhausted from having to retype, replace, and repair all the text as is populates wherever it wants to in the dialogue. Whoever no longer has that phone number, send me an e-mail and I will send it to you.

there are 2 of them!
Keep your fingers crossed that the HP gang will call today and say my machine is ready for pick up and actually working! TGIF for me today.  Many friends want to gather at some national park for a colleague's birthday. Sounds like fun - jungle trekking, hiking, and various fun activities planned. I have not decided if I will go. I am still recovering from the weekend of chinwags with the politicians and feeding and entertaining former mentees. I have also not really cleaned the house after the event and it clearly needs a vacuum and floor wash.  No rain yet this morning - it is about 6 am, and just warm, and not yet sunny (mr rooster is crowing and asking the sun to rise still). Could be a nice day to drive to work. Yesterday was challenging. Downpour on the way home, but still very manageable. With two lanes on my highway, I have the option to just stay away from the nutbars, and mosey homeward in the slow lane, through the puddles, pools, and downright flooded areas on my route. But doable, and so far, manageable. I am going to my  most distant school this morning - all of about 30 - 40 minutes drive. Nowhere near my other routes, times, and challenges. For now I think I will sit in my living room, overlooking my pretty garden, and watch that beautiful orange globe rise in the sky; in anticipation of it warming my cockles and other parts exposed to the rays.

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