VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Friday, October 28, 2011

so much for TGIF

Frustrated, I left the HP warranty office - with the manager's own computer. Somehow in a city of over 2,000,000 people, they do not have any kind of a loaner program for computers when work is done on warranty issues. And I was not leaving until something was resolved - because my beast is now in K.L.  The smiling clerk gave me mumbo jumbo about the computer and then thought I would be satisfied with an explanation that it will be ready maybe next week or week after. NO
Now time to speak with the manager.

Manager was out on a service call, but when I demanded to speak with him, he assured me he would meet me at the office at noon. Off to work for me, and then back at noon for his song and dance. I told him I was not leaving without a computer today. If it had to be a new one, then so be it. But in truth, I did not want a new one - just another opportunity to have to go through what I have been going through for the past 8 months.  He ended up telling me that I could have his computer, which I am typing on right now.  Problem with his computer is that I need to write and upload my reports and when I turned on this stupid thing, I was greeted with 2 virus warnings - one a TROJAN that were unsuccessfully removed earlier. So, no work on this beast this weekend, and further behind I will get.  He did assure me, after I suggested he call KL, that the computer will be back in JB on Monday and he will go over the entire computer himself before I take it. To be sure all has been repaired this time.  We will see.

No one is going on the jungle trek. Seems that one has to book rooms at least 3 days in advance, so we are staying in our own corners of the country. I could go to Melaka, but I am looking forward to just staying home with my gate locked and talking to as few people as possible. 

Who has ever felt complete joy when they have spied a DOMINO'S PIZZA OUTLET?  Me.  On my journey back to the warranty office, there before my peepers was just one of those outlets. With only PIZZA HUT, with its little clumps of mystery meat that look very much like a rabbit has hopped across the disc (if you know what I mean), I have declined PIZZA HUT ever since my first night in Kota Tinggi where we dined on just what I described. I ended up taking that disc of bunny turds back to my hotel room and tossed pieces out my window to a starving anorexic doberman laying in the blazing sun.  I wonder how that dog is doing now that I have left him??? Well imagine my delight when I saw DOMINOS. I had time, so I pulled up, ordered MEAT LOVER'S personal size crispy crust and could hardly wait.  I don't think I have ever had a DOMINOS in Canada, but believe me, I would have another.  The goofy menu is a typical moderation for Malaysia that you would not see in Canada. Chicken this, and chicken that, I begged the girl to show me something that had NO CHICKEN.  I don't get it. If you don't like the taste of something, or don't approve of eating a certain food - meat for example, then don't eat it. But when you stretch that truth and alter a food to be like another food (a forbidden one) then what the heck is that all about?  Chicken pepperoni? Have you ever heard of such a thing? Chicken salami? Have you ever heard of such a thing?  It is like people I know who tout themselves to be vegetarians, and almost faint when they see people eat pork. But they are the same people I have witnessed wolf down some gawd awful concoction called TURKEY BACON. Good God, what part of the carcass do they slice that off? The pope's nose?  I don't understand what caused food producers to even think of making turkey bacon - unless they had a bunch of fake vegetarians who really didn't want to be vegetarians. Which also brings to mind - the famous tofu fake foods. You can get burgers, hot dogs, pork cutlets, and anything else under the sun; all formed and flavoured bits of tofu mixed with who knows what to mimic what you really wanted in the first place. You don't see carnivores craving a juicy slab of tofu do you? You obviously miss the little porkies so why are you torturing yourself? No one has died from eating bacon. And you would not have to pretend you are a vegetarian that eats only fowl - and nosh on TURKEY BACON all the while pretending you cannot bear the thought of pork in your diet. Wow, that kinda turned into a rant, didn't it?  I guess I have my own oddities. I hate yogurt. I cannot tolerate the word. So, I cannot tolerate the food. Much like sour cream. Who on earth would intentionally eat something that has gone bad (sour)?  As for the yogurt, I am selective. I can eat Greek yogurt and pretend it is just a sauce for my lamb souvlaki.  As for any other kind, I gag. So I admit I play a mind game with myself in order to eat Greek yogurt. I wonder what the mind game is for a vegetarian who consumes all these fake meats and occasionally real meat that tastes exactly like the forbidden meat??

My pizza was good. An aroma from home was the draw.  The pepperoni and salami were beef - not chicken.

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