VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Friday, October 21, 2011

Saturday Tasks and Gecko Playground

I'll start off with the playground.  Since creating my jungle garden I have discovered something I was kind of concerned about. Every flippin' gecko in the range of Jalan Tun Hamzuh have decided my patio is the place to gather for frolic and fun.  Flying in and out of the tall fronds and various greenery, I can find the little critters squealing with delight on a daily basis.  I guess that is why Gezebelle and her buddies are sunning themselves on the patio furniture every day.  I was prepared for this event - knowing that I must keep it all clean, minimal, and defined. Thus, the white pots so that I can see who is around the plant from the floor perspective.  At least I wont step on a critter when watering if I can see a wee fella dashing to the playground. I love watering now because my newest friend has tighened all fittings so that water only spews from the sprinkler head and not the connections.

Yesterday on the way home from work I stopped in at Jusco to check out rice cookers. Who would have ever thought I would consider such a beast? But with panic attacks on a daily basis, wondering how I would cook enough rice for this Sunday bunch brought me to the realization that one was needed. A lovely Chinese lady on the same mission guided me through the various appliances available. She was concerned when she watched me opt fo the smallest one there. Even that one makes 6 cups of raw rice. I dont think it will be used on a regular basis after this lunch.After parting with RM44, (about 15 bucks) I headed to the veggie aisles and found a variety of tomatoes to make my salsa today.  My current dining come writing table is groaning with the purchases for the big day.  I still do not have a head count for Sunday, so will just make lots and hope it gets eaten. One of my old mentees was kind enough to find out who at her school would attend. She has a great sense of humour that matches any westerner, and responded with the list, adding that I should not worry - she will eat everything to make up for the non attendees! I hope she does, and I hope she actually likes what I make.

I still have to purchase the fruit for kabobs, but I have found that Kota Tinggi is the best place to buy fruit. Will head over to the market to buy that stuff once I have finished my work reports, salsa making, and maybe the hummus making.  Lucky for me, Jeff has an empty fridge, so I can store the prepared foods in there overnight.  Barbie's fridge would not work for a party preparation otherwise. But our matching baby fridges combine be the equivalent of a small fridge back home. I moan about conveniences, but I recall when I started out life without a 'wusband', I only had one pot - a dansco stock pot. And I held dinner parties according to the appliances I had. Many meals of prawns, linguini and salad were prepared with that pot. So, a rice cooker, pot, and kettle are far ahead of that. I clearly have a well equipped kitchen over here. I even indulged myself in a small toaster oven yesterday. For less than $30, I now have a machine that can make toast from the baguettes that become stale overnight; for my almond butter and honey that Jenn sent me. Yummy

As for drinks, I have found several bottles of various juices. No hootch for this crowd. They better drink it all - I cannot drink the stuff. Laden with sugar and dyes, I have no palate for the drink of choice here. 7 -11 will help me out in the morning. Ice is a commodity that is precious. You can only buy ice at 7-11, and there you will find a big sack of the stuff in cubes that are about the size of 2 O Henry chocolate bars. Not exactly something to plunk in a drink, but good to fill a cooler and stuff the bottles around.  I might pull out my trusty hammar, and slam one bag into shards to add to drinks. We will see.

I just had a fantastic skype with VIDEO FOR BOTH SIDES with Jenn, Kollin and Levi. That little munchkin, according to her mother, lights up and babbles when she hears her Nana's voice. And Levi happily told his Nana all sorts of information regarding his past few days now that he can see me again.What a treat. Now I can get on with my day.  Maybe Ryan will appear soon too.

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