VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Library is ready to roll

I have spent all my free time getting the library ready to go to the schools. Not an easy feat with inventory and what to include.  But, last night was the big night, laminating several items I have constructed - including sets of flashcards I bought, but are only made of hard cardboard. These things will deteriorate in about an hour of handing, so out came the laminator and cutting into cards again. I also managed to purchase one of those shopping carts grocery stores provide - large baskets on wheels with a long handle. That should make the transportation easier from school to school.

I read Hand Hand Fingers Thumbs to a year one class in one of my new schools yesterday.It attracted such attention from the rest of the school - with our raucous din banging desk drums and chanting the
Hello Jack, Hello Jake, that we had more people outside the class joining in and smiling, than we had in the actual classroom.  I think I have put together a rather fine project here in Malaysia, thanks to Jenn and a friend in Canada with their donations of books.  Jenn, you were a star with the Hand Hand Fingers Thumbs book. Now all I need is Fox in Socks to round it out.

I try to model myself after Ryan, who definitely does all his homework before he begins a project. He knows when to ask for expert advise, and when he needs it, goes after it. Lucky for him, friends from around the globe step up to the plate and help. My first fan for this blog was just the one to do that. Thanks Jimbo.  And now, it would be a good thing for me to know when I need help and acknowledge that I do. Being stubborn is my strongest trait. I hope I can master that to my advantage instead of my nemesis. Libraries dont grow on trees, and nor do they become fully mature with only one person at the helm.  Lets see how I can delegate others to join in with me, and slacken the reins a bit, and trust.

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