As I listened to a friend bemoaning her current situation I thought about myself and all the whining I have been doing lately. I can justify my problems if I simply see the negative, but wow are there many positive things going on in my life. Why does one seem to focus on the negative? Why can we not always see the positive? If I think of the people who focus on the positive, I also see people who have a great life. I think there might just be something in the way they see their life and how it evolves. What do you think?
This also brings me to the engineers that I know. They will never let you settle on a view of something that you think is very logical. Their take on the situation is much more black and white. And their perspective is usually contrary to your own. I think this next example demonstrates just that. And, it is definitely more logical than I would produce.

So now to fess up with all my whining and see that silver lining in the clouds in my head. Yes, there are things that I have much less control over right now that are making me insane. But, today seems to have rubbed most of that energy out of my silver lined head, and given me hope. Today I picked up my freshly cleaned and pressed clothing that I slothishy took in yesterday. I now feel completely free to choose whatever I want to wear because of this new find, and know that I do not have to wash or iron any of it myself. That has changed my decisions for what to wear every day. I can access my full wardrobe, instead of picking something easy to iron as my option. Next, I went to the coffee place I often sit and study on my iPad. It was a scorcher today, so I picked up my favourite - some concoction of ice and coffee and whatever else, and took one to go. I always have a problem naming my drink, but now they have figured out what I want and if the regular staff is there, they begin the order. To top it off, I no longer have to remember some Malay word for the order. Each item has a number. So, into my cell phone address book, I added the restaurant name with a nickname of CF03. I better check the address book each time, otherwise I know exactly what I will ask for - 3CPO, not CF03. No need to even remember a code or name. Just look up the restaurant and tada! I figured that one out when I constantly had to do a dance and mime for wanting fresh cilantro in the food store. Now cilantro is the contact name in my address book and nickname is daun ketumber. How clever! They now dash to the back and bring out fresh bunches of daun ketumber for me and I go home happy, just as I did today. They still do not carry coconut oil, which is insane considering they sell everything else coconut. But here, the locals use that thick sludge otherwise known as palm oil and consume it like water. It's ok, I just buy coconut oil in JB and accept that is where I have to purchase it. But before my marketing trip, I stopped in to see Kiki, my hairdresser. I needed to rub out that negative energy. So, a 1 1/2 hour hair wash did just that. The grand total of RM22. Actually double the cost of a haircut, but worth every sen. I then asked her if she knew of any yoga studio here in KT. Yes, she does and apparently it is very near where I live. I have been asking people for 2 years with the answer - no there is not. Seems there are two. So I will go there tomorrow or maybe next week. I have also been asking everyone for an acupuncturist. I get no answers. Kiki has a neighbour from Taiwan who does this in her home. I am going there sometime this week when she talks to her and arranges an appointment. But for now, she has put me in touch with another neighbour who does massage. Apparently she is a miracle worker, according to Kiki, so I have an appointment tomorrow morning at 9. So, when I look at all that I blush when I think I have reached the end of my rope when I have the crazymaking situations I face on a regular basis. Where in Canada could I have such service with smiles like I get here, and it is considered normal? What dry cleaner/presser in Canada almost carries you out to the car along with the cleaning because that is normal? Shame on me for the whining. Life is good, I just have to see that silver lining and then turn left.