VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Friday, April 12, 2013

Comparing Battle Scars

My colleague who arrived yesterday went to my Gua Sha lady and came back to my place a little more broken but a great deal more flexible. She at least had the luxury of my warnings and was prepared for the beating she took.  Funny. We both have different issues, and lucky for me, one of my issues is not a calcium deficiency.  The therapist picked up on that immediately with her and then gave her some drink that was laced with calcium and various green leafy things.  She moaned and groaned all evening and showed me her bruises. I think she actually had more, or maybe more deeply hued bruises than I had.

Today I got back on the horse and returned for my next beating.  I was curious when she came back to my pinky finger which had finally healed from last week, but felt like she was trying break it today.  I asked what it linked to in TCM.  She tried to tell me, but could not find the words. She then drew a picture. Ahh, the intestine.  So I asked, what do I need to do to repair this?  No words again. One minute.  She left the room and then a few minutes later, some other lady came in.  A neighbour who has more English became the interpreter, all the while I lay there and was pummelled to the point of begging for mercy.  There did not seem to be a serious problem, just a Chi problem there and once she finished breaking my finger it actually felt ok. And at home, there is no ice bag on it this time either.

I love being able to feel the difference occurring.  If you stay tuned in, you can feel the energy begin to flow. It was not an expectation, it just happened.   And each time you get off the table, besides being greatful that you were not killed or paralyzed, you have a lightness and fluid ability to move in directions long forgotten.

I am going back next week.  Another friend from JB is also booking.

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