VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Swack x 3!

I dropped in to have a quick meeting with a Head Master this morning and got to witness a discipline at that time. Two young lads had been warned a few times because they not only did not do their homework; they also did not bring their books to school.  A teacher who had exhausted all her threats sent them with a  note to the Head Master.  I watched as he administered the punishment.  Afterwards I told him that back where I am from, students were sent to the principal for the same sort of reasons when I was young.  They did not have canes there, but a short version of a belt was the tool of the trade, and students - usually boys - were often sent to the principal for just the same treatment. I also explained that now there is no allowance for corporal punishment, and sadly, the students know this. For that reason, students have a great deal of power in the schools, and unfortunately wield this power by not behaving as was expected in the old days.  Sometimes we make changes that are not always for the best. I am sure that there were strong reasons for the change to stop dicipline, but in that change, the balance tipped in the other direction, leaving inequality once again.  Yes, some adults overstepped the line and beat instead of swacked, leaving authorities to have no choice but to stop any discipline. 

So, if you are an unruly student reading this blog, I would suggest you find another country to act out your disobedience if you had thought that Malaysia was a good option. 

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