VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

What is Wrong with that Country?

That title post is a very wrong question to ask. Why? Because if I ask it, I will continue to be shown what is wrong with that country.  Maybe it is time to ask 'what is right with that country'? Then maybe we will begin to see positive changes.  Whatever we focus on, we will receive more of the same.

Who has ever seen so much anger, conflict, and down right sick thinking in a country that is supposedly not at war, in the past? Well, we have witnessed several issues in this particular country over the past few years and it should make those who live there pause and reflect.  On how this country treats its own and others.  For an event that began over 100 years ago (1897), that attracts those who are healthy and wholesome, what on earth brings murderers and idiots to the scene?  Where else on earth would we find the two together?  My heart goes out to the families that have lost loved ones because of such a twisted thinking person's act.  But what upsets me more is the throngs of people who go to the site and speak their mind, lay flowers, and gather together because they do not know what else to do.  Maybe it is time for some introspection.  Look within. See what is precipitating these actions.  What needs to change?  Yes, this was a tragic event. It should not have happened. But it did.  Playing victim does not resolve the problem.

Those who think my opening paragraph is corny may eventually come to the realization that those words are true. Hopefully before more lives are lost in senseless acts.  Focus on the good and attract the same.  Once again, I count my blessings that I am Canadian, and proud to be so.

No, I cannot imagine your pain and grief and hope to God I never will.  Now, please find a way to support those who do these senseless acts. They too are living in pain. No one in a right mind would do this. Like a naughty child, they seek attention in whatever way they can get it.

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