VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Monday, April 29, 2013

Lets Hope Today is a Better Day

I am hoping that today pans out to be better than yesterday. I will tie my car key to my neck, I will depend on no one to rescue me, I will do my best to have the meetings slated for the day.  If all that can be accomplished, it will be a good day.

As for news in the country, I found an article that seems to sum up the candidate directions.  Definitely a path to the youth and how to entice them is the order of the campaign.  In one area of the article it mentions all the hand outs to university students. Drat, I have not seen any of this, and know I will not. I do not have a vote, so why on earth would they give me these little treasures.  One item I do not see on the list is the free iPads handed out. Who cares, I bought my own.  

As for escalating violence in the country due to the election; I believe these messages come from the outside. I have not witnessed any violence where I am. But then, maybe I am not in a political hotspot. What I do know, is that where one focuses, one will experience just that. So, best the people of this country do not focus on the outside messages of violence, and just continue on their way, and exercising their democratic right.

Apparently, to avoid any double voters, they mark each voter with some magic ink so they cannot return.
This scrutiny is so very foreign to my way of thinking

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