VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Thursday, April 25, 2013


It took two and a half hours to get home today. Why you ask? Because there were three collisions on the route. I say collisions, because they were clearly not accidents. And accident is described as follows:


  1. An unfortunate incident that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally, typically resulting in damage or injury.

There was nothing unintentional that occurred; maybe oblivion to consequences of stupid driving.  And we all jockey for a lane to get through the stupidity, yet again.  All the while, ambulances racing like maniacs and never given the courtesy lane to speed to the hospital.  Remember the rule here - I must be first!  Morons, all of them.

Other than that, my phone does not work. I am not sure if the company pays their bills or not. But right around pay day, someone's phone is disconnected, for unpaid phone service.  We do not have access to the payment so, guess who did not pay the bill again?  And I get to suffer the consequences.  What else is new? I usually cannot access our webmail server. It is just some cut and paste set up, so I accept that I cannot get in there usually and wait until I can. However, I do not have anyone's contact information to whine about no phone service. Doesn't really matter. My internet is screwed too.  Which also means that my landline phone also is screwed.  I would like that part if it stopped calls from ringing. The phone does not work, except it does ring - you just cannot answer the call. And you know who is calling - the guy who still has not figured out that I do not have a fax machine, I do not run a business, and I do not take orders for merchandise. 

Now better post this before the 'dongle' police cut off service on this little gem too. I am sure the time is close.

Otherwise, a lovely day of bloody monsoon rains that would cause one to ponder building an ark.

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