VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Sunday, April 14, 2013

University and being a student

I have submitted - uploaded my last assignments for the three courses I have been in since January.  I
was not pleased with my product of one of them. Why, you ask? Because I had to beg and kick and scream to get the assignments posted. I lost three weeks of writing and research time in that process.  I work full-time, so that also added to the stress factor. Then, to top it all off, the assignments uploaded previously did not get marked until just last week. Considering there are only 4 students in this online program, I am curious as to why it would take over a month to mark 4 papers.  I will leave that alone, because I have a different bone to pick. One of the previous ones has still not been marked. And yesterday when I looked again to see if the mark was there - the assignment was not. OMG.  Now what?  Today, it is back nestled in the upload folder, but still unmarked.  How is a student supposed to know what they might have done right or might have done wrong according to the professor's wishes, on the next assignment, when they do not have feedback from the previous ones?

What is currently making me pull my hair out is the fact that they advised me that I required a proctor to sit with me for exams. I arranged all that, and then lo and behold, they changed their minds. Seems the staff there cannot deduce that my Malaysian address on my registration does not indicate that I am in Malaysia.  Only proctors for out of country students came the reply.  Au contraire, mon cheri was my reply. I suggested if I was in Canada I could use a proctor, so why not pretend I am in Canada, and let it be.  After all, they seemed to pretend that I was in Canada anyway.  Someone actually suggested that I leave my location as Canada, and have my daughter receive the proctor papers and exams, and then expedite them to me here in Malaysia. It felt too stressful to consider. Now I am wondering if maybe it would have been a good idea. Now awaiting a response.  Unlike others in the program, I work full-time.  No time to take off to go somewhere to write a series of exams over a number of days. Somehow, this concept is not part of their deductive reasoning.

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