VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Gua Sha

Gua Sha is pronounced gwa shah.  It translates to 'scraping'.

I had my entire body scraped and lived to write about it.  That was the most painful two and one half hours I have ever experienced. But, just the same, it has a profound effect.  I went there on the recommendation of a friend here in KT. My friend, who is also my hairdresser has gone herself and made arrangements for me today.  The practitioner is amazing. I got off her table and felt about 20 years younger, even though  I had been beaten up for a couple of hours.   I am even going back next weekend for a turn up.

What this treatment professes to repair is a multitude of ailments. It is one of the TCM treatments, and apparently widely used in SE Asia, not only in private practice but also in hospitals, spas, and clinics.  I am glad I found it.  I think I will benefit from the beatings.  Oddly, nothing hurt at all once it was done. I guess it is kind of like the pain stopped after you stopped hitting me.  What she did was apply coconut oil to the skin where she was working, then took what looked like a water buffalo horn (which I think it actually was) and scaped along the skin in a downward pattern. It hurt like h***, but quit as soon as she quit scraping. I think she watches the colour produced during the scraping and then knows when to stop when it changes colour.  If that is the case, I am going to try to figure out how to change the colour sooner!  There is lots of information online about this, so if you are curious, take a look.

Good thing I have to cover myself so completely where I work. The bruises I have incurred could cause a great deal of concern if others could see them.

Cost? RM50.

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