VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Teeny Tiny Bugs

I have begun to fear taking the trash out these days. Each time I approach the trash can I leave with a zillion teeny tiny bugs crawling up my feet and legs and biting me on their journey. I have no idea what these little critters are, but I dislike them immensely.  I don't know why they have arrived at my trash can site, but you can be sure, I limit my visits there because of them, The first time I did not realize what was going on, I came back to my house, feeling like I had a few mosquito bites, but when I sat down at the computer, these bites keep happening. Swatting at my leg, I would feel a hard little grain, and brush it off. When I finally took a look, I saw tons of little critters swarming all over my legs, biting wherever they were. They are so quick, that the length of time it takes to stop, toss the trash in the bin, and put the lid on, they have begun their journey up my foot and then leg.

I have tried to figure out what they are, but can't find an image or description online. However, I did find - finally - the critter that was dashing across my car park about a year ago. I wondered what the heck it was, and now I know.  It is some sort of furry caterpiller. It was about the size of a tennis ball, so not easily missed.

Ah, the joys of the tropics!

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