VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Saturday, April 13, 2013

My Today is Her Tomorrow

Because of the title of this post, I am going to post my well wishes a day early. Oops, has to be two days early - no time on Monday. Once again, my eldest child will be celebrating another year under the belt. I keep seeming to want to age my children faster than what is real. So, being a math flunky, I have to take out a calculator and figure out how old they are each time I am asked how old they are.   I was really good at knowing their ages until we hit the 30 mark. Then for some reason, my ability to connect the dots and deduce their age went AWOL.  Maybe that is the same reason I lived an entire year thinking I was a year older than I actually was. I repaired that one by being the age I overlooked for the next year. It was wonderful. It was like recapturing my youth. We in our senior years will grasp any straw that can recapture youth.

Anyway, back to the person to celebrate right now. As I have been following my dreams the past few years, she has been creating some beautiful dreams herself. Two of these dreams are in a photo I took about a year ago. The small dreams have grown in leaps and bounds. The  dream producer has grown in more beauty, as usual.

This one is from the days one could take a photograph while on Skype. Somehow the nasties have deleted that function.

So, Happy Birthday my dear. I wish I were there, but I am not.

Some things I recall being a mother of small children and having a birthday follow

I think I am a reliable resource for this because I do a great deal of research. Never forget:

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