VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Signs that make me smile

In the Jusco/Aeon Mall I spied this one.  Thought I should post it just in case my kids read this blog.

This one amuses me because the wording is just not quite right.  You may not be able to read the print below ATTENTION. What is says is: 81% of consumers feel most attentive when shopping at a hypermarket.  What the heck?  81% - not 80 or 85?  And feel most attentive?  To what?  It just deserved a space here.  This message is kind of like they heard a bell but did not know what hill it came over.  They of course mean, consumers are attentive to advertising when shopping in a mall.

My very favourite coffee place, where I have trained them to grind espresso beans to the correct size (usually) and make the best ice blended espresso on the planet have this sign.  It does make me grin - way beyond a smile. They are all delightful there and serve with grace. The place is spotless, and maybe this is due to the first of the list of cannots. Each is listed in English and Mandarin.  The first one is keep cleaning.  I am sure it means keep our place clean - don't litter or something along that line. But it looks like they expect us to pick up a mop and clean while we wait for our orders.

After picking up my laundry today, I stopped and talked politics with my Chinese friends who own the construction company at the end of my jalan.  They strongly urged me to stay home day of the election and for a few days afterward, with a supply of canned foods and water. Interesting huh? Thought I should drive past my own turnoff to see if I could find any wildlife to photograph.  I did see a pack of monkeys dash across the road, but by the time I managed to pull out my phone, the 30+ were disbursed into he tall grasses.  A pathetic view of a couple of them by the roadside - hissing and nattering at me is all I got. I am sure you will have to click on this one just to see the few fellas looking back at me.

And now, the pothole from hell. Not actually. It is a baby compared to the one that nearly took out the underside of my car last week on the bloody highway.  But gives you an idea of a normal street condition in a country that has not discovered that a roadbed is a necessary step in building a road. This little lovely is about 8-10 inches deep.  The one on the highway was a whopping 2 feet deep.

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