VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Learning about the electoral system here

Today I learned that like all countries, the incumbent is the one who sets the electoral boundaries.  Why not? They were the ones who won the last time, so they carefully map out their support and alter the boundaries of each seat according to how they can win the most seats.  What differs from home is that they do not base the seat on population; they base it on support. Not really a fair vote count at the end of the day - in fact, as I was told, the incumbents have been in power for quite a while and have lost the popular vote most of the time.  Like the saying goes, 'when Momma aint happy, then aint no one happy.  In this case, what momma decides for a boundary, everyone has to agree to.  And, why not set them to your advantage?  Who wouldn't.  Kind of lopsided though, when you think that there are voters who vote for a different representative and their vote goes in the sewer because the seat is distributed so that the incumbents will win.  Those guys dont have a chance.

I am still not home. After a very long day, I decided to stop at the local haunt where I buy ice blended coffee. Had a sort of bbq chicken sliced noodle creation with baby bok choy - or as we locals say caoi bai xi.   Now gonna turn off the machine and head home to put my weary self to bed.  Another long day tomorrow, and yet another on Friday.

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