VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Sunday, April 21, 2013

How do I do it?

Many have asked me how I manage here. Today I am questioning this myself. You have no idea what it is like to find a place here. Government buildings, schools, and businesses of any sort have Facebook pages. One is lucky to find an actually website and when one does and looks for an address you will find some "in care" of address, completely unrelated to what you want. And you start all over again. Then when you look on google maps, and guess where you want to go, there aren't corresponding street names to what you find on Facebook. Oh my, I am thinking I have lost all patience to try to do anything here.  And asking for directions always ends up with arms straight out and words such as go straight, keep going straight, then go this way, maybe a bit. If one is clever enough to try to draw a map, it is always set up with you instructed to drive NORTH. Is there nothing in any other direction here?  Of course there is. I guess when you live on the equator, the only choice according to locals is NORTH.

Wish me luck. I am trying to get to an English carnival that some of my schools will be attending. If I don't show up on this blog again, find help. And please, do not ask anyone here for directions.

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