VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Friday, April 26, 2013

Metropolitan K T

Wonders never cease.  I went into the electric company to prepay my monthly bill. I never have time to go there, so pay a chunk in advance. I timed it well. It was prayer time so I was the only person there.  Good move.  While I was there, the security man chatted with the clerk and myself. I decided to ask them if they had any idea where a meditation retreat was because there were 3 different addresses for it, and none of them turned out to be correct.  The nice security man, an Indian, told me there is a beautiful meditation retreat centre about 3 km out of Kota Tinggi. He said it is in the middle of the jungle. Opps, no thanks was my reply. No way was I gonna try to still my mind amid cobras, pythons and monkeys trying to bite me. He said he would show me. Well, what was to lose, so in my chariot, I followed his scooter out to the most beautiful. tranquil spot I have ever seen in Malaysia.  And even crazier - yoga too.  You drive into this secluded trail that climbs a hill and then comes down the other side, right beside an exposed power line swinging freely beside your car - about eye height. Maybe not a good idea to go there on a windy day.  It was also the exact spot I was looking for. You can be sure I never would have found it with the directions they offered online.

After my new friend introduced me to the person who was there, I was invited to come back on Sunday as one monk was returning to Germany that day, another back to Czechoslovakia, and another arriving from Burma. Such excitement. And I will be there.  After the new friend gave me his contact number in case I ever need any further help, who incidentally gets on his scooter in Ulu Tiram every morning and drives here to work, and I get in my chariot in KT and drive to Ulu Tiram to work, I set out to Petronas to fill up the chariot.  Holy Crow, Dominos is here, finally.  A crispy crust, double cheese pizza is for dinner tonight.  And I discovered they deliver. I might just get lazy.  And tomorrow, I will be picking up my freshly laundered and pressed clothes I took in today. I am sure the first batch was never laundered.  They confirmed today that I wanted wash too?  Yes please. Worth every ringgit.

Now I have to figure out how to get the university to communicate effectively and life should be supreme.  Until then, I am without exams, which were scheduled for tomorrow.  When I ask my buddy who volunteered to proctor, he just laughs at me.  No, he has received no documents in the mail.  Maybe I will have a restful weekend for once.

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