VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Thursday, April 4, 2013

They're Wearing Me Down

I discovered that the fully online program for Master's here is not fully online. Somehow, they neglected to remember that they cannot offer online exams. Some bright soul decided I could use a proctor to sit with me while I write my exam. Good.  So, I arranged a proctor, had him sign his life away, and know that I will be indebted to him for a long time because of this.  Well, the bright soul who arranged this has pulled back the offer. Seems they thought I was in Canada, even though all my information is with a Malaysian phone number and address, plus the fact that I work for the MoE of Malaysia. Guess critical thinking is not a long suit.  All this new plan arrived in my inbox today.  It does not sit with me well mainly because of the deceit on the reply from the writer. She, once she figured out she had erred, writes   referring to my previous e-mail. blah blah... you can write at an exam centre.  Au contraire mon cherie.  Firstly, the previous e-mail was hastily send at the same time as the one referring to the previous e-mail, and secondly, I have arranged my life around the proctoring. I do not appreciate deceit.  Another inability to understand electronic mail. Every e-mail comes with a date stamp so that one cannot pretend to have sent something and then try to send it at a later date. Guess she didn't notice that when she referred to it and implied that it had been sent quite some time ago. Compound this with driving home in a rain storm that could challenge any monsoon only to discover that a neighbour who is employed as I, is snuggled in, cosy, without a drop of rain on the car; which indicates no professional development seminar as I just did. But then I guess one has to be a professional in order to lead a professional development seminar, right?  Besides, that same person seems to think we work a 3 or 4 day work week. Just emerged to go out on the town. After all, the week is over with those calculations.

Other than that, I had a productive day. Work keeps me running in every direction. If I thought I could goof off the last year I was sadly mistaken.  I cannot claim to be bored, that is certain.  Sadly, I drove over a monitor lizard this morning. It rattled me for a few hours. Not a small thing to run over, believe me.  I had tried to dodge him but he foolishly scurried in the same direction I was swerving and my tires met his body in a thump thump.  Sorry Monty. RIP

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