VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

What caught my eye this week

A post in pictures to give you an idea of what I saw and what caught my attention the past few days.

Until yesterday, these are the only flags we saw flying in the breeze. The incumbents seem to have an advantage for this election.  Not sure if there is some fund for each party, but it does not appear to be one when we see nothing but these blue scales everywhere. Maybe too, it is just a message of who is going to win.

In any case, I was pleased to see the presence of another party flying a flag.  I don't know who they are, but glad to see some variety. It feels more democratic, right?
I am not sure if this is different from the previous one. The other had some green flags with white squares, while these have green flags with white cycles???

So, now on I moved and went to a stationery shop.  They had a nice big banner flying over the entry that advertised December Sale.  Hmm, it is now mid April.  Back to school?  What the heck have I been doing since January?

This one concerns me.  This is the room where I hold my professional development seminars on a regular basis. I always need to check to be sure the door is unlocked for my attendees.  It is never unlocked, but the concerning factor is that it is currently full of little students. Look at the door.  There is a padlock at the end of the bar.  The room is the IT room. Full of computers (old, obsolete in NA standards)  And the school is in an area that constantly has serious thunderstorm, and lightning strikes on a regular basis.
I have no idea what those words mean. Directly translated it says 'come to room views"
how long would this policy last before parents threw up their arms in NA and said NO

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