VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Sunday, April 28, 2013

The Stars and Planets are not lining up well today


Was about to leave a school today and race to my professional development gig when I discovered my car key was not on the desk where I left it.  I am thinking someone put it in their pocket, assuming it was their own, and went on their way. There isn't intercom in the school. We finally sent little people to the classes asking each teacher if they had taken my key in error.   I can only imagine what message actually got to the teachers. You know the game password where the message first spoken has become an entirely different message by the end of the line? So then I tried contacting the person with the car lease. His phone goes to vm each time. I went online to find another number. That one rang busy. Finally found another contact who assures me a duplicate key is on the way. Not good news when she said they turn right from JB, right?  No, dear, turn left. Now I will see if the key arrives. I cannot even take a cab. I locked my purse in the car with all money and house keys. I wonder if I have learned anything for this?

He finally arrived with the keys. He had pled heavy rain slowed him down. He was not smart enough to realize I might notice his truck bone dry. Even the truck bed, without a drop of rain inside. I was not impressed. It took him 3 hours to travel a distance I travel daily, in about 25 minutes.  Then the moron attempted to open the door and set off the alarm because the clicker does not work. Nice work again Einstein.  After going to a proton shop I managed to get a battery for the door opener, and went home.  What a waste of time because someone decides to take a detour to a makan place enroute to my car.

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