VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Sunday, April 28, 2013

A Dao Model for Posterity

Everyone has door to door religious messengers. We have some packs of men who natter along their way and call something or other over my locked gate while standing in the blazing sun in their long white dresses and pillbox white toppers, looking like a bunch of runaway brides dashing from the wedding. I thank heaven for the gate and the lock. I simply call out - after multiple noises from them wanting my attention - 'English only here', and they go on their way. Today, however  I had a pleasant visit from my Tao friends, bearing books.  When you don't go to Tao, apparently it comes to you. I was whisked away to their temple more than a year ago, sponsored by two friends and embraced by the lot. I do not participate in the assemblies. I told them I would not. But that does not stop them. Two new books in my library in exchange for what they considered a generous donation to the temple and all were happy. I really must figure out what constitutes a normal donation. Maybe i have, and they are just demonstrative in their appreciation.  I think this was a well timed visit. I have been trying very hard to get balanced again and let go of the frustration I keep experiencing with humans that surprise me with the fact they can breath in a regular pattern because they definitely cannot string more than two words together in any language and make sense.

Just maybe I will emerge from this reading much like a caterpillar emerges from its cocoon, and be a better person with my illumination and virtue that I apply on my path. Wish me luck. I am running out of options to be nice.

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