VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Gua Sha and other things

I wrote recently about my gua sha experience. It really is amazing.  Since then I have told many colleagues who are now flocking to the metropolis of K T to also take in this wild experience.  My little therapist is delighted having a new set of clients.  As we have a language barrier, she has recorded me in her cell phone as 'teacher'. So, since all the others are also in that category, I have become her booking agent, and have to arrange the schedule and take them to her for the first session.  I better be careful that they do not take the spots I want.  One already did try. I nipped that in the bud. It is also kind of fun because those who travel here for the treatment also need a bed, so I have now had a string of house guests as well.  All know that right now I have no time to entertain. Too many assignments to write, so they just make themselves comfortable and watch movies or whatever while I tap away on the keyboard.

Another crazy thing is one of the colleagues discovered that there is indeed a meditation retreat right here in K T. She learned it when telling someone that she has a friend in KT, and then was told I was a lucky girl because there is such a beautiful meditation retreat there. WTH?   I have been asking since I landed here if there was such a facility. No, no, cannot is the reply I constantly get.  Well, like all other discoveries I manage to have, this one was a falsehood as well.   Other things I learned are there are TWO YOGA STUDIOS, which I was told there were none in the past, an acupuncturist, and this fabulous gua sha lady.  So, although food is an issue here, there are so many pluses that I am again happy to announce that my current home is in a perfect spot, for now.


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