VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

My Chariot Let Me Down

Again.  That little grey beast is not my best friend. Sitting in a car park in 40+ heat and running out of water, I sat and waited for the service people today after I finished work. The car has a habit of not starting and I have whined to the service man on many occasions. On deaf ears apparently.

Well, I had a mentee track down an auto person to jump start my car. She did arrange it, but I was not sure she did because I waited a very long time and no one arrived. Eventually some man arrived on a scooter and stood near my car, not talking to anyone.  The gatekeeper did not check on him, and I stayed under a concrete roof noshing on pistachios (my lunch) and wondered what he was doing there. Turns out he was the service man. I guess I should not assume a scooter cannot jump start a car. He had a battery stashed under the handlebars.  Well, after about 50 attempts to get it going and collecting RM20 from me before he even began, he threw up his arms, and left after tossing my keys in the direction of the car.  Soon afterward, some other fellow came over and tried his handiwork. I began asking him questions and only much later did I discover he was from the same shop as the other one who had given up. As they were different races I assumed he was from a different shop, so asked the question: How much?   He asked what I paid the other one. I told him.  Then he began thinking he would be taking my car apart. Ooops. No sir. I still have the service people trying to find their way here. They would not be happy with the car in pieces on the concrete surface.  Finally service man arrived and admitted they needed to take the car in for servicing.  The two of them struggled over who would put in the new battery.  I left them to it, and discovered that the service guy won that one.

As for the hand out for payment, I discovered that number two of the shop nearby was a colleague of number one, both of which did not get the car going. So, in true Malay fashion I suggested that he go back to the shop and pull half of the money I gave to the other one out of his tight little fist.

Guess I will not be getting any service calls from them in the near future. But does it really matter? They did nada.

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