VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Another Day, Another Ringgit.......

Today I met with a tax accountant. We are getting shipped outa dodge at the end of September, and I am concerned about the taxes I file. Last filing I ended up paying even more tax to the coffers, after having taxes taken off through the year. Bad advice from the person who rushed me through, it turns out, but I think asking for a refund is like asking God to turn back time. I will likely have to let that one go, but I am concerned about the final day here and what the tax office thinks we owe over and above the amount we paid. How do we argue this point with a flight awaiting us, and freedom of home beckoning us there?  My new accountant said he can help, but he cannot do it the day we get paid, and leave the country.  I sure hope that the exit is smoother than that. No sense in thinking about it now. I have laid the foundation, now await the process.

I also went to my local travel agent, who happens to be just down the way from the accountant. Looking for something fun, cheap, and easy to travel to for the rest of this vacation.  I still have no further word from the university. Well, what am I thinking? How could they possibly get assignments marked in 6 days, when they could not do it in 4 and a half months?  So, to get them off my mind, I thought a vacation might help. I asked about trips to Australia, various places in Thailand, and then left it up to her to suggest. Nothing that said to me, said PICK ME.  So I came home and realized that I need to keep working on shutting down things here.  I talked with a friend back home who thinks I am insane. I could go to Sydney for about 300CAD return and stay in a **** hotel for about 50CAD a night. But why would I want to go to Sydney? It is a city. It is much like NA. I will be in NA in a few months.  I almost caved. After all, I know that once I am gone, it would be a nightmare going to Australia from where I am. But I never wanted to go to Australia when I lived there and know I wont when I get back. I would go to the big fat outback, but have not left enough time to plan that. I would go to South Korea in a blink, but my man of my life is not home, so not much use going there right now. I am curious about people who crave travelling. Is it to show off their passport and whine about having to get a new one because the old one is full? Do they like shopping in a different location? I know someone who loves to travel, goes as cheap as she can, and lives like a street person the entire time, finding everything free or as cheap as possible. I guess that is her idea of a holiday. Not mine. Or do they just like looking at other people?  I do like experiencing other cultures, but I think I have had that in spades this past 3 years. I really do not need another cultural experience right now - especially on my vacation. Save the ringgits to pay the tax man.  And get some work done. Oh ya, take the loser HP to JB again to see if they can drive their car over it - maybe that will make it work.

Now time to chase a little gecko out of my papers piled behind this desk. Good grief, I will not miss that bunch of little critters when I get home.

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