VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Sunday, May 5, 2013

The Sheep Have Spoken

I gave up waiting to hear results from the election here. I have no idea when the decision was announced, but not really a problem. The incumbents were voted in again. I guess this country is not ready for change. They have demonstrated that in this election by extending the ruling party reign of 56 years.  They did not shine, according to news reports, but winning is what counts and that is what they did. There is mention of a Chinese Tsunami, but I cannot figure out what that comment means.  Kedah, a state near the Thai border was won back to the ruling party this election, and showed a huge police presence there yesterday for fears of demonstrations and riots.  None happened, so far.

One headline reads: Malaysia Elections: BN extends rule despite worst electoral showing

Another: Najib: We will undertake national reconciliation
(this is the opposition leader, who I think (but not sure) is referring to several issues of buying votes, with photos taken, 100+year old voters on lists, and flying in voters who were not on voting lists)  I am not sure any of this is true, but I am sure there will be some scrutiny of the events reported online.

And another: Pakatan will not accept results until EC addresses complaints: Anwar

Finally: Malaysia Elections: Surprises and shocks
This one is curious.  Although there was no handy majority for the winners, they won this one. I am wondering who was the analyst who predicted otherwise.

I think you can click on the red text and be taken to the news articles.

Yes, the sheep have spoken.
What I do not understand is the state and country level of seats. It appears that Johor, where I live is covered by the opposition, however at a federal level, the ruling party has taken those seats.  I guess I do not understand how at a state level and federal level the numbers are so drastically different.  I guess that is why I am not a politician.  What is really frustrating is not being able to find a breakdown of votes for each seat - federal or state level.

This story probably explains best for those of us who do not know the game here.

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