VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Friday, May 17, 2013

Why You Answer, Where Your Fax Do?

I guess I have to add another event that I will not miss. He has changed his message - where your fax do?

My phone has been ringing off the base since I got home from work. I really should figure out what I could send these people - maybe I could make some decent money while I am here. Maybe I should buy a fax machine and find out what I can sell.

And in another direction - the university.  I have been begging for my marks since I submitted them. I received 2 of three course marks for the first assignments. Since then - nada. I have written, I have begged, I have ranted. Now the dufus bunch wants more money for the next semester. For a week now I have been explaining to them that no more silver shall cross their sweaty palms until I get some feedback from the previous courses.  Nothing.  Now I log into my account and it does not even list my previous courses or anything regarding them.  Another hot mail sent to the group and finally today they set some poor gofer onto me to ask if I wanted assistance choosing my new classes.  Poor thing learned the history.  She apparently cannot find the second assignments in my courses and, for that matter, nothing on any of the courses. Does not look good.  I will wait.  Culture? In spades. What did they do? Did they not understand my papers so just deleted the whole mess and now pretend they were never there? Did they never consider that I might just ask what my marks are? Do they think foreigners are made of money and just entertain themselves by spending money frivolously?

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