VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Tomorrow is Decision Day

It is interesting to read the news as the day draws nearer for voters to mark their ballots. BBC has an article that makes one smile. Seems there are a curiously odd number of voters over 100 years of age in one riding. And KL seems to have over 5000 voters who do not exist. Join the dots and I guess we know what is happening.

Curious numbers

then old faithful, al jezeera puts in their two cents worth with predictions of a tight race.

Tight tight race and high number of undecided

And holy crow, my own Globe and Mail reports

Fears of votes not counted etc.

To the eye, it appeared the BN would win initially. However, they had the leg up. They called the election. And unlike home, they began campaigning long before they called it. I guess that is fair game here. Plus the fact they seem to have far more funding behind their campaign.  A sea of blue scale flags (BN) symbol was everywhere. And still is prominent. However, I could take bets on several Tamans I drive through during work and would say they have not won those. Even the strongholds appear to be wavering.

I find it interesting to be in a country that could be making history tomorrow, and glad I am here to witness. No worry about dating myself. I am long past concerning myself with 'I was there when .....'

That brings to mind my daughter going to school in Bonn briefly. Her own kids will think she is a real dinosaur. She was there when the wall came down.

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