VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Thursday, May 30, 2013

More Intercultural Miscommunication

This is for me. Read if you wish. I am learning. Great deal about cultural communications and how each distinct group has their own way of dealing with messages all within this country. Leaving something ( by mistake) at a school the last day of classes, I quickly called a teacher there to ask her if she would pick it up in the room it was, take it to the office, tell them to hold on to it as I needed it again after the break. Done. Arriving there yesterday, I had to wait for the office to open after their break - u know cat away, mice will play. Finally someone returned. He knew about the calendar (item) but could not find it. He called the others - still out.  No English spoken so I had no idea of what was said. Comes back - no one knows where it is. Hmmm. I called the teacher. She began talking about things I did not know so I gave the phone to the office man. Again no English. He gave the phone back to me. Teacher says 'someone took it home - they like it.  They want it. '. I explain to the office man what I now know. He blushes. He says come back tomorrow. Maybe we get it'.

I did go back tomorrow ( today). It's  magically back in the office. All covered with various sticky stuff to hang it wherever it was taken.

What does this tell me?

One of the cultures has no problem lying straight to your face to avoid conflict or to save face.

Why does this bother me?

This was just a calendar. Not a valuable item or something posing threat to safety. But where does this stop? How does one know if a negotiation is honourable?
I am beginning to understand the 3 styles.
One will lie without remorse.
One will say 'it finished' to avoid admitting not understanding or unable to frame correctly, even if it means losing a sale.
One will say nothing and hope that you evaporate into thin air.

In any case, how will these three cultures fit into the global village with these tactics of communication?

I am hoping to find the middle one for my next round of talks with the university. Which has again gone silent. At least there is a possibility of negotiation.

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