VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Friday, May 24, 2013

Vacation Begins, colleague scatter, and I begin putting my life in order for next chapter

I swear, I do not understand how some people function on a daily basis. After an indulgent hair wash treat, after dropping off my laundry, I was heading home with a dvd I picked up - Lincoln; to snuggle up and watch in peace and quiet.  My phone began shriek at me while driving, so picked it up and hello'd.  A colleague from north of me was frantically nattering at me about being at another colleagues suite and did not have a key to get in and the person was away.  As she left today for vacation, I suggested she just get in her car, drive to the airport, PAY FOR PARKING, and stay in a hotel overnight. Whining, she mewled about the cost and could not afford. WTH. what kind of a person goes on vacation and cannot afford small costs as the pop up?  Mewling further, asking me if she can stay at my place. Yes.  There went my lovely evening.  Arriving, I could not believe what she carted into my home, her little car was packed to the rooftop. WTH again.  4 suitcases, 2 coolers, and about 6 carry bags.  Spread all over my living room she began her job of preparing to go on vacation. All the while, she is telling me how she is plotting her next vacation in August and how she plans on adding on a week so it is worthwhile.  Sure, why not.  Then went on to say she is going to have some arthroscopic knee surgery but although it was offered to be done now, she declined. Did not want to waste holiday time now or for the next vacation; she wants to take 2 weeks off for this during work.  And, what really gave me a chuckle, thought she would ask her boss to take her to hospital, pick her up, and take her back to his place to recover.  Wants to get it done here - she is a Yank, and over there it would cost a great deal, but here, with the wonderful healthcare system, she gets it done free.  Myself, I would be seeking another opinion before I agreed to any surgery here, and then likely not have it done anyway.  This is not a first world country. Ah, yes, the sacks of food she picked up. She is going for 2 weeks, and in she brought giant cartons of yogurt, cartons of milk, eggs, butter, cheese, and juices.  WTH again.  She has friends going with her from back home, and knew she had to feed them when they returned to My.  so bought all this crap so that it could rot before she came back. Offer to me?  Just use these and we can settle up later. WTH again.  Everyone here knows I do not eat the eggs, milk, yogurt or packaged juice.  Pay her?  Hmmm.  Then she suggested that I could sell them to a neighbour. I was pouring the carton of milk in the toilet at that point and she was near tears.  What really burns my bottom? Now gone, I noticed that I could not find the carton of eggs. I texted her, where are the eggs stashed? She cannot recall. I do not want to come across them by smelling they explode in my house.  WTH again.

Once she was clearly understanding that I would not drive her to the airport, or pick her up at the end of the trip, she then mewled about all her possessions she brought with her. Seems she thinks her baju karongs and other crap would be enticing to burglars breaking into her place, so she then stashed them into my spare room. I advised that I might not be here when she returns, and if they are stolen from my place I will not be responsible for the loss. Some gibberish about claim on my insurance. Not gonna happen chicky.  I am talking about a 50+ woman. Where is her own critical thinking, her sense of self respect, her sense of understanding that the world does not owe her anything, and her sense that if she wants to take a vacation, then be prepared to pay her own way.  Going out the door, "what little thing can I get for you, for your hospitality"?  Nothing. I dont need any tea or coffee and I am sure that is what it would be. Just pick up your stuff and go home.

Also getting frantic phone calls from a former colleague back in USA.  Dont take these calls. I finally sent a message and suggested once she got some professional help, we can talk.

All this after a week of doing the work of three because one colleague bolted a week early before vacation, another is seriously ill.  I do need this vacation. I have some communications needed to sort out concerning the university courses that I took in Jan- April that are still not marked. I reared my ugly head the other day and received feedback and marks for the first set of papers, but nothing more. My message that generated the quick reply went something like no more silver will cross your palm until I get some feedback and posting of my work done to date. Plus a request to know what to expect for turn around time for papers submitted and marks received; knowing from other students that they get theirs back within two weeks. To help you understand my mewling about colleagues that are given 2 weeks vacation but take 3 instead, understand, teachers everywhere are given more vacations than any other profession worldwide. We get these vacations too.  We signed a contract accepting the scheduled vacation for each year, and were also advised to not plan any trips for the first day of vacation in case we have a meeting that pops up. Those who bolted early this time used various excuses. My mother is gravely ill ( but waited until vacation time and took one extra week to travel home to see her on her death bed) Then told friends she was going early, seeing some man, and left family to understand that she would arrive on the first day of vacation.  Another, bolted early, arrived in this contract only six months ago, and wanted to see long lost family, so took an extra week. Another bolted early, has been somewhat estranged from wife back home - at least should be because he chases anything in a skirt over here, and needed more time to spend with family.  Another, is already plotting next vacation of 10 days to turn it into 2 weeks+ (and not let anyone know) but really wants to see Australia.  WTH again.  Looking at all this I can only think that these people are a mirror of the company and the company is a mirror of them.  You know - what you sow, so shall you reap.

And, disappointingly, Ry is still in SAT. Glad for him, he makes good money. Sad for me, because he will not be here during my vacation. But then, what the heck, others go on vacation whenever they feel like it, what about me?

Now to sort through the library I am donating to a school. The wonderful government here does not allow charitable tax receipts to defer taxes unless I donate to muslims.  Hmm, I guess I will just write up my inventory, donate to who I want to, and use the receipt in Canada to defer those taxes.  So, big job ahead, as many of the books I take to the schools have gone missing. But still many to account for in this receipt. That will be my holiday.

Oh, yes, all await the peaceful rally group who will be submitting their challenge to the recent election with allegations of fraud, corruption, and altered voter lists as well as illegal voters.  Should be an interesting weekend in that regard.

I dont think I will answer my phone either.

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