VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Sunday, May 26, 2013

No Rain.............Yet

My first official day of vacation. While colleagues made up various needs to leave a week early, I am settling into my real vacation by putting things in order at home.  Maybe a quick trip to Singapore, just to rent a hotel room and have a bath, but nothing much more than that is planned. Not raining yet, but overcast, so not great hopes of a dry day either.  It does not matter, I am going to stay home and get the library accounted for to take back to my school after the break.  I might even gather up enough courage to remove the corpse from the lizard kitchen, but don't count on that.  I also have to keep an ear to the outdoors, listening for the trash man truck. I do not want another day of that 'valuable' assortment of yogurt and crap left by a colleague, who told me she spent RM150 on this stuff and wants it back.  I love how cheapskates inflate numbers when they want to make a point about their suffering and martyrdom. I think she was actually pondering taking it on her discount airline as carry on, but then realized the packaging was beyond the 50ml allowance.  It probably set her back about RM15-20.  Anyway. I do not want it choking up my fridges.  I love writing this sort of thing here. I know various colleagues read this blog, but never admit it.  But occasionally they slip up and mention something that they read here, that I know had not been stated face to face. It could be fun knowing that the dairy queen is reading and knowing that she is mentioned in the blog in a rather unattractive manner. Also, whoever else is reading, wondering which one of them it is. This bunch is a very gossipy lot.  Yikes, I do have a rather pathetic life, don't I.

I watched a very interesting movie last night. The Heineken Kidnapping.  It was based on a true event, but not sure if it followed the story accurately. It was good.  I recommend it. I had hoped to watch Lincoln, as I picked it up also at the pirate shop here, and it set me back RM10, instead of the normal RM5.  Bloody thing was blank. So, if I have the energy, I might just go back and demand my RM's back, even though these pirates never issue a receipt.

Sorry for such drivel. That is what is going on.  I am sure I will disappoint the 900 - 1000 readers that have accumulated lately.  I will try to experience something more interesting as the days unfold.

Update. My two buddies that work in JB and live in my taman had a chat with me before leaving for work. They are delightful, helpful, and interesting to talk with. Asking me about my feelings about the election and all, we realized we were going to talk a lot longer than time allowed. I guess there will be a patio visit with them some time after work this week. They both declined the yogurt etc. - which was on its way to the trash. I also had to go to the lizard kitchen to get the yogurt and EGAD, gecko corpse was gone. Not even bits of gecko crumbs. What does that mean? Was he actually sleeping off a hangover, or did something bigger come in and have a nosh?  No idea. I think I am just going to erase that memory as best I can. I am sure glad I did not gather him up and put him in a coffin last night. That could classify me as a murderer.

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