VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Sunday, May 12, 2013

xiao bai cai, gai lan and more

My feast at home - I didn't prepare a thing! xaio bai can, gai lag, ginger pork, and giant prawns!
My mother's day required my own injection of treats. Being far away from family, it was up to me to make my day special. It started with a spa treatment at the hair salon. It was a treat. Then, slipping over to a place that does make delightful cheesecakes, I took a piece that the clerk recommended. Now on to Pizza Hut to get a packet of their giant prawns, and then off to my favourite Chinese restaurant who taught me how to pronounce the local way of saying bok choy.  For months they would cook and send home with me takeout boxes of xaio bai cai until I finally purchased something to cook on at home. They always make me feel special when I arrive. Someone always comes and chats with me while I wait for my delightful morsels.

Today there was the usual chatter, but lots of activity. Clearly, the Chinese honour their mothers here on Mother's Day too. There were families dining, others picking up for take away, and a general flurry of active staff filling all our needs. Steeped richly in culture, I enjoy going to this restaurant. Here are a few shots I took while I waited.

A family honouring mom 

    you will always see one of these in a Chinese business here,
and the incense will lead your nose to the shop

Just beside the kitchen, you can watch the flurry of cooking
You will never find a cleaner kitchen anywhere here, I am
sure. I check them all.

 Looks like I was not the only mom dining alone. If you look at      
 her right hand, she is holding a bag. Coconut water in a  bag,
with a straw - a normal method of serving here.  You have to be
rather talented in order to hold a bag of liquid while dining
at the same time

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