VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Who Remembers Monty?

Guess what? Monty is still in the 'hood.  I came home today and turning into the road to my home, there beside my car was a rather ugly large monitor lizard. Not the size of those prehistoric looking ones down in my old school zones, but well on his way to getting there. I am sure it was Monty.  We locked eyes, and he stuck his lizardy pointed tongue out at me several times before he turned his back to me to begin slithering his fat belly elsewhere. Clearly, the banquet hall here is feeding him quite nicely.

For those who joined this information service late, Monty came to my home comfortably cushioned in my beautiful Singapore rattan sofa. For some reason, when it was delivered, I had an idea that I needed to take it all apart and check for lizards and whatnot. I was a wise lady to do that. Out jumped Monty and we had a merry chase around the house for several days before I finally captured him and swept him out.  Captured is a bit of a stretch. I did give chase on many occasions, but he was a quick little guy. Eventually, I found him in a pile of papers I was sorting to put into the new matching rattan desk I had delivered. He was not skittering around any longer. He was barely moving. Monitor lizards live on garbage. I am proud to say, I do not harbour garbage in my house, but sad to say he was starving. He was so out of sorts, he would try to hide under a piece of furniture that allowed me to easily see him. So, I grabbed my broom, opened the patio door screen and shot him out onto the patio. At that point I really did not care what happened to him. But an hour or so later, I noticed he was gone.

Today was a good reunion. No kisses, no hugs, in fact not much of anything other than another picture to add to my adventure.  Glad I was able to see that he has survived and equally glad to know that I will not be here to witness his adult size. OMG, that would give me nightmares. The ones down the way that I used meet up with could scare the crap out of a great dane.

To give you an idea of how big Monty is, the trough behind him is about 3 feet across.  So, he is still fairly short, but growing rather quickly.

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