VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Saturday, May 11, 2013

'our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter - Martin Luther King Jr.

I cannot think of a more fitting title for this post. As I peruse the twitters, the blogs, the forums, and thoughts of the people of this country, I feel honoured to be here as a nation tries to make sense of something they believe is senseless.  They could be right. They could be wrong. But whatever the outcome, I applaud them for seeking truth.

As always, I have no real coverage of the latest rally. That is not something I have control over, or access to change. I accept that. But we all know there are peaceful rallies going on, and I am glad the protesters have taken that route to express their displeasure.

I was not smart enough to think of the post title. I found it in a comment in a site that was discussing the latest questioning of the recent election.  That quotation from one of the greatest peace builders of all times was the entire entry by the commenter.  In my mind, it was more than enough.

I heard a news clip about a rally today. Some protesters have been arrested.  I hope it was not a true report.  I have heard that all protests have been peaceful.

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