VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Check one for Frannie Let There Be Light!

There was a hell of a thunder storm  here today.  I think it was centred in the middle of my house. The thunder and lightning were turning my home into a rocking xray machine and the rain pouring down was beyond any I have seen before.  Then, the power went out.  I was in the middle of a report, so turned off the computer and decided I needed to conserve what battery I had in case who knows what.  Well, after a few hours of this I realized my phone has no juice either. And that trusty landline I now have, which rings but does not connect to anything would not even ring now that there was no power. I decided to go out to the car and plug my phone into the car and at least have some form of communication available to me.  Sitting in the sweltering heat, I turned on the a/c and listened to the buggy whine out the juice to charge up my phone.  Then, suddenly I noticed that the neighbours had lights on. Why?  I not only pay my power bill I pay it in advance.  What's up with that sunshine?  No one was home next door, so I decided to roam around my villa and see if I could recreate power for myself as well.  There is a box plastic box, well out of reach from a shortstuff as I am, so I clamoured up onto a plastic stool and armed with my laser pointer to guide me with the brilliant red dot of a light, I investigated the power panel.  I found a back scratcher to reach the various switches and began playing with them.  But with only a red dot of a light to guide me, I am sure I turned on and off the same switch several times.  Then I got smart. I began to count as I felt the back scratcher bump over each switch.  Of course the last switch on the row (which was actually an oddly shaped switch in the middle) was the one that changed my life.  Ping.  And I was sure I had invented electricity.  I did.  Ah, but there is another source of the valuable resource upstairs. Better find my way there before it is pitch dark.  Up I trod, with my trusty laser pointer and crawled onto another plastic stool up there. This one was even higher than the main floor box.  What is the reason for this?  Is it to deter electrical panel burglars from being able to make a quick getaway with the power box? If so, it was brilliant.  Nearly falling off the stool as I swung the trusty back scratcher at the various switches, I clobbered a gecko getting out of my way.  He was not so lucky. He ended up taking a great fall over the stair railing and splatted on the stairs near the bottom.  Splattered gecko is like picking up silicon.  Just remember that when you use your pretty little baking vessels made out of silicon.  They are probably made from recycled gecko carcasses.

So, I am pretty proud of myself today.  Laugh if you will when I talk about back scratchers and tiny laser pointers. But they worked, and I am glad I had them. I would love to now say I can do anything, but I refrain.  If I do, I am fearful that yet another task that does not appeal to me in the least will be presented.

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