VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Sunday, June 30, 2013

The New Teacher in the Family

Levi is only in play school. But already he shows signs of his leadership. He loves to have stories read to him, and it is clear that he is trying to infuse this passion in his peers.

With is audience assembled, he begins the story.

Oops, he is losing his audience. I know what that is like.

And then there is his sister, who does not take life quite as seriously.
I wanna be a rock star!

I Am Canadian .........................92

Today a different list.

No list of what I will miss and what I look forward to. I am not sure what to call this one - maybe survival - maybe oblivion - maybe newfound courage?

survivor dengue fever 2x
survivor pneumonia 2x
frequent survivor of asthma
killer of cobra
killer of rat

With a list like that, you have to know that a Canuck would be the only one to stay on and keep ticking.  Some items on the list are ones I never thought I would ever face and NEVER thought I would do.  I guess that Canadian spirit is stronger than I knew and groomed me for the adventures I have taken on. We can survive temperature differences from -50 to +50 and more on either side - all in one year, on a regular basis. We can survive grasshopper infestations, floods, blizzards, and tornados.  As for the last two items on the list, I am hoping I have proven myself and never have to face those again.  EVER

Happy Canada Day everyone - the first installment - and again tomorrow, when you catch up to us.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

92 - already!

What I will miss:
This one is difficult today - it is very overcast, raining, smoggy,hot and steamy,  generally miserable.
OK, having too much space to live in that I never use
Listening to the various birds twittering outside my home
Going to sleep to Gordon's chattering

What I will look forward to:
When I get back - staying at Jenn's and having the little people to hang out with in the morning - I am a morning person, so have few big people who can relate to me there
Getting my Mac keyboard repaired quickly and efficiently
Seeing my friends and not having to dash away because I have to come back here
Going camping with my friends
I will miss the RRU weekend reunion this year, but will be there for many more
Automatically being given a full set of cutlery and remembering how to use it - spoons are not for cutting!

I had a chat with Jenn yesterday. The little people always chatter to me, but this time it was like pulling teeth to get them to say anything. Kolly appeared shy. Levi was busy.  I think the real reason was they are honest - talking to Nana when they are at a friend's house playing with friend's toys outweighs talking to the old Nana any day.  We actually were able to talk about what we wanted to talk about, so all worked out just fine. And, I missed out on burgers at their friends house for dinner. :(

Friday, June 28, 2013


What I will miss:
one hour hair wash and blow dry for RM12 (recent price hike)
wash and iron anything for RM3 each item = $1.00
picking my own coffee beans
Cawanmas Cafeterium ice blend cappuccino RM7.30 - way better than Starbucks - taste and price!

What I look forward to:
no Ramadan drivers
no smog
bbq's with real meat
all kinds of veggies
not NEEDING 10-12 hours of sleep because of the pollution

A Little Performer at the Speaking Contest

This little girl is in grade one and had the courage to get up before her classmates and the entire school to perform her talent. She did extremely well, and was cute as a button.

This is what it looked like yesterday morning when I left for work.
The view is in the direction of an orchid plantation behind my home.
No orchids in sight. Just fog.  But this morning is much better.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Don't Eat Coffee Berries

Look what I brought home!  Maybe more for my resume - I plan to dry the beans and then roast them.
OK, to be honest, I picked about 5 or 6 - he picked the rest.

One of my H.M. has been bugging me to go to a local coffee plantation with him for ages. I had some time this morning so off we went in his car to check it out.  Before I go further - don't eat a coffee berry unless you want to feel like it must feel like after ingesting crystal meth or crack cocaine.  Now hours ago ingested and I still feel like I cannot come back down to earth.  Not a nice feeling. He ate a handful. I ate one.
The HM explains to the gatekeeper why we are here.

Not quite ready to pick. A few more weeks of ripening

These brownish red ones are ready

Here is what it looks like at the plantation. The short stubby trees are the coffee trees

We picked these.
Apparently, this plantation was abandoned by the owners when they discovered they could make a lot more money with a palm oil plantation than coffee beans.  Anyone can go and pick, dry, and roast their beans, if they are willing to possibly meet up with mr. snake in the bushes.

Patience is a Virtue and 94

I do not know where Ry got his patience from. Neither of his parents come to mind when I think of that one.  He has finished his dive, finished decompression, and now waits on the vessel to get going with his own life. He has tickets to Canada for July 1st and now it is clear that he will not be able to make the trip. Airlines dont tend to be very flexible, and he could lose the complete flight just because he is not at the departure location now and wont be on time for the departure.  As many of you have witnessed - I am a very skilled ranter. Not Ry; I am sure he is as frustrated as I am when I rant, but he lets it go and lets his life unfold.  Maybe a page from his book is what I need.  Can you teach an old dog a new trick?  Maybe.

So, the two Canucks, in different parts of SE Asia will have to celebrate Canada Day alone with our bowls of rice I guess, while his Beautiful Asian girlfriend boards a flight to Canada to celebrate with our family with burgers, steaks, and all the goodies we have no option to enjoy over here. Bon Apetit and Happy Birthday Canada - in a few days.

What I will miss:

What I look forward to:
BBQ steak
fresh Okanagan peaches & cherries
No Ramadan drivers on the roads (soon to be an issue here)

It did not rain last night, so more smog to look forward to on my route to a school.  But I get to be the judge at a speaking contest - that will be fun!

Winding Down does not mean Slowing Down

As this contract winds down the pace picks up. There are tons of task added, paperwork that would choke a horse, and running in all directions to get everything done.  I was at three schools today plus a professional development.  A normal day is one school and possibly a PD.  Add the frustration of getting to each of these schools, and there is a huge drain on one's energy and patience.  I did it, and off again tomorrow, which should be a short day, but wont be once again.  I should not complain - there are many who have no job.  But it is the useless paperwork that never gets dealt with once done that really annoys me.

Oh well, by mid October when I am home again, and bored, I am sure I will find something to complain about there. I hope not, but wont hold my breath.

I hear thunder - maybe the smog will go away.......

Unpaid Intern Jobs

North America has adopted the unpaid intern jobs and maybe some have overstepped the purpose and found free labour. It was initiated for near graduates to get their feet wet in the industry the had chosen for a career path. That was a great idea. Then when the job market began to dry up, more and more intern jobs began to surface. Suggestions that one could have a foot in the door when an opportunity for a paid job presented, and experience with companies one would like to have on the resume were offered as reasons to take the intern jobs. What it looks more like now is that corporations are getting free labour and not offering the training that was initially the reason for the program. CBC has carried a story on this current problem and noted that there are more than 300,000 unpaid interns working in Canada. Do you smell a rat?  The story I read sure smells ratty. Unless someone can justify this lack of training, exploiting unemployed graduates, and dead ends after they put in their time, I call it as I see it.

Here is the link:
What do you think?

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

95 and counting

Things I will miss:
today all I can think of is mangos - the weather is not nice so that plays a huge factor in this one

Things I will look forward to:
Having tea parties with Kolly
Playing scrabble with Levi
Hanging out with Jennifer
Getting better at recalling knock knock jokes

Watching a webinar on coaching and mentoring

I like the point that was made about being a good listener. It was basically the entire gist of the whole message. Many of the people hired as mentors here have no idea of how to listen. This was confirmed by a colleague who was completely frustrated with another.  His message was the only voices that person listens to are the one she hears in her own head.  He was right. And there are many more the same. Screening for this job is not well done. All the recruiter needs to do is listen to the responses from the perspective coach and they will quickly discover they dont have a clue of what they are talking about.  Maybe the recruiters are as unskilled as those they hire. They do not know how to ask a question and wait for an answer. I am happy to know that although I dont say much, I do ask the right questions to help those I coach to find their own answers. And they have.

Now time for sleep.  This pollution is knocking me out.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

96 and counting

What I will miss:
Being a person who is a conduit of change
Living in a community that has embraced me and helped me in so many ways to adjust

What I look forward to:
Driving on a road where rules are somewhat observed
Driving on a road that will likely not have potholes the size of the great lakes
Not awakening to the smell of durian remnants festering in the trash bins

a long and complicated statement or story, especially one that is not true (usually + about)...

We are being fed some pretty creative songs and dances as we prepare to exit. The definition of this is in the subject line of this post.  I need not say more.

Monday, June 24, 2013

97 to countdown

Things I will miss:
My Chinese restaurant that will cook the xaio bai cai that I bring to them and then put it in the stainless steel carrying vessel to take home
The joy in witnessing my mentees actually understand and apply all that I have been teaching them
Having to do a mime in order to be understood by non English speakers
Because I am different - being told I am beautiful - by complete strangers (maybe they don't know the definition of beautiful)

Things I will look forward to:
Taking off a linen top and not having to fight with it while it sticks to my body while it takes on the role of another layer of skin - due to the high humidity
Knowing that my skin is just a covering for my body and not a leaky surface for all liquids to escape from within
No longer watching the sky sweat
Not having to do a mime in order to be understood
A fresh slice of poppyseed roll

98 and counting

Things I will miss:
Mentees who do a splendid job mirroring what I have taught them these past few years

Things I look forward to:
No air pollution

We cannot get a face mask anywhere in this part of the world. We drag our sorry butts around exhausted - because we are so short of oxygen in our bodies. I could sleep about 40 hours a day. We are fortunate. We get to leave. What about all the people who live here permanently?  The corporate world does not think past their wallets on many occasions. That is what this air pollution is all about. And even sadder - everyone is praying for rain. Sure. A nice dose of acid rain would be just lovely.

If You Live in Calgary - you may not find this funny.....

With the disaster so many are facing in Calgary being evacuated from their homes, the downtown core flooded, and all roads leading in from the mountains, this is not a funny situation. However, the mayor appears to have decided that humour is the way to go with his message to the people.

hope you can read the text

Saturday, June 22, 2013

99 - Is It Too Early For Countdown?

It is kind of a good day. If I pretend I am leaving on September 30th, then countdown today will be 99 days.

Maybe I will begin. You can watch what I am leaving behind and what I am going to look forward to during the days.

leaving behind: honey mangos
going to: bbq lamb chops - real lamb chops!

Last Honey Mango

I just consumed my last honey mango that possibly I will ever have. Why? Because honey mango season is over. I will not be here for the return next year.  So what did this last three years do for me? It taught me that all mangos are not the same. I never liked mangos at home but that was because we never got these little lovelies I buy here.  Now that I have become a mango maniac I have to leave.  The latest batch is something called King mangos. They are huge. But being a mango, I just treat it like the little honey variety and have just one.  Maybe I can learn to love them as much  - might as well - there is no option to get the little ones for now.  Besides - I get more mango with one of these.

If You Need Prednisolone - you can always get it here

I just finished up at the clinic yet again. The smog has caused me to drag my weary butt around, barely able to breathe deeper than my clavicle.  So, off I trotted to the clinic. They stuck a mask on my face after checking my lungs and blew something through the nebulizer into my lungs. I am not sure this was good for me, but don't really care. I can breath down to my toes again.  Armed with some masks, ventolin,  and another round of prednisolone, I was on my way again. The drugs will be filed in #13.  I am beginning to think this drug is something the rest of the world dumped and these guys picked them up at a fire sale. You have to realize that I am on some kind of health plan, so this lot has figured out how to send me home with some drug that will be approved by my health care provider and allow them to ditch the overstock they have in their inventory.  I wonder if they would prescribe it for a hangnail? Maybe - one never knows if the finger will become inflamed, right?

I sit in my favourite haunt - White Coffee, and had a ice blend cappuccino.  I have also almost finished the second assignment for my studies too.  It is funny. All of us here could double as bandits. Almost everyone is wearing a mask.  Pretty hard to describe the perp - right? Well, except for me - I have the telltale blue eyes.

Also have my bluetooth stuck in my ear. But I guess that was a waste. Unless I want to call someone in Canada who will go crazy on me for calling in the middle of the night. Might as well turn it off. I have no desire to talk to any colleagues.

Soon you will see the countdown to Canada.  We are only about 3 months away.  But then, I am not sure if I will know the actual blast off date until minutes before the flight. So, maybe a sorta countdown will be what I post. I am already collecting knock knock  jokes for my grandson.  Now I hope I can remember them when the time comes.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Why I am NOT going to Singapore right now

When Singapore reports that the haze index is 200 or so, I realize that I have that beat by a huge amount. My own little community seems to be scoring highest in the entire region. No, I will just stay home, wear a mask, and keep windows and doors closed.

And, in case the haze does not keep me home, then the fear of another case of dengue fever would do the trick. Reports of the worse outbreak in history is enough for me to not go.  Although, home is probably worse - they dont really monitor it here. But at least I have screens on my doors and windows here. Dengue fever carrying mosquitos now are resistant to all the sprays and lotions and potions we use. We need the DENGUE LEAGUE
AND, my favourite.  As I love the promotion video for saving Gaia, this one is a delightful play on the words.  Kaya is a yummy spread for toast made from coconut and (the kind I like) pandan.

1 Malaysia Batik

I am asking here - if anyone can tell me where to purchase silk 1 Malaysia fabric I will be indebted to you. I have scoured the country - no one has any idea where I can get it.  Everything seems to be polyester and I do not want polyester.  For those who do not know what I am talking about - here is a few samples of what the batik looks like.
Like anything batik, it is the artist's interpretation, so it varies. I kind of like the one on the second from the right. But also like the one second from the left. That way, who does not know left from right will be correct.

I would like to buy some silk and have a top and pants/skirt made as a souvenir of my time here. Maybe a dress. Who knows. I just want to have something. I can be flexible. If all fails, I would buy some polyester and have a big jacket sort of like the men's shirts made to wear with slacks and top.

Air Quality in KT

Seems my little community is not doing well on the air quality scales these days. It appears there are in the lead with the most hazardous air to breathe around these parts.  Even worse than Pasir Gudang where I work.

Kota Tinggi 313

Pasir Gudang 310

Melaka 192

Port Dickson 157

Kuala Lumpur 74

Shah Alam 88

Banting 137

Seremban 105

*API indicator: 0-50 Good, 51-100 Moderate, 101-200 Unhealthy, 201-300 Very Unhealthy, >301 Hazardous

** just another good reason to head home

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Nature Does Not Play Favourites

Amid the pollution problems here, I have learned that a city where I formerly lived in Canada is facing serious flooding.  It is near the Rocky Mountains. Those who have a great deal of money tend to live beside the river in that city. Unfortunately, that location comes with a price tag.  The price tag comes in the form of mandatory evacuation due to the flooding of the rivers from the winter runoff and heavy rains.

You have to keep in mind that people in that part of the world are unfamiliar with states of emergencies. Over here, what they are experiencing are events that happen on a regular basis when a heavy rain causes flooding on major highways because of poorly engineered roads.  There, they expect things to work, so when nature has its way, they fall apart. And, as I said, the wealthy are the ones who get hit the hardest because they chose locations for their homes to be the ultimate in views and esthetics.

So, for those who are curious, the current evacuation area of Calgary is in this map.

True, a small pocket of housing is in a bad place right now, but that pocket is experiencing something they are not prepared to deal with.  And other parts of the province are in much worse shape than this.  A lesson in materialism I guess.  What is important when faced with disaster?

This photograph gives an idea of the flooding. A small city between Banff and Calgary - you can see the high end homes are cut off from everything with the roads flooded.  The picture on the right is the road into Banff. The flooding river has eroded the road bed and as you can see - the road has split and collapsed.

Now have read that downtown Calgary is being evacuated. That could be a real nightmare. From what I recall, back in 2004, there were over 200,000 people who worked in the downtown area. So, adding more numbers due to the year that I recall and now, it will be a gongshow trying to get everyone out of there today.

Air Quality and other fluff

There is a site to check the air quality.  I checked this morning and see that KT is down somewhat to a reading of 291 as I write this blog.  Where I work is still in the 333 range.  I have to go north to a meeting in Batty, and there does not seem to be a reading for that area, but I am guessing it is in the range of the others.  Reading a report from the Wall Street Journal amuses me. It indicates the rage from Singapore experiencing this serious air quality crisis and the cause coming from slash and burn in Indonesia.  What also is interesting is the message from Singapore. Being an Asian culture, they have no intention of confronting the Indonesians - that would make it impossible to save face. So, they do their best to deal with the outfall and I guess wonder how it can be stopped.  The same article indicated that Malaysia has had no negative experience regarding this air pollution, with K L, the capital reporting nothing in that direction. What the heck?  We live across a small stretch of water from Singapore. The air quality reading that we have has a higher pollution reading than Singapore.  But I guess as long as you dont talk about it, it doesnt exist. The elephant is in the room. We just cannot see it.

Now I prepare to take the journey to Batty for another useless meeting.  I cant imagine what the visibility on the highway will be like. No sense in thinking about it, it will be what it will be.  Maybe I should paste this picture in the rear of my car just in case someone behind me is passing in the wrong lane - and can see past the front of their car.
You idiot, don't you know you are supposed to pass on the right?

1Malaysia Sutra

I have been pulling my hair put trying to find 1 Malaysia silk fabric. I want to take this home with me as a memory of my stay here. I have travelled all over Johor trying to find some with suggestions for many people. I hit dead ends every time. I have seen T shirts and Baju Karung made from the design. But they are always in synthetic fabric. I want silk.

I know there are many readers of this blog from Malaysia.  I can see the stats. Don't worry, I don't know who the readers are. I only know there are many readers from Malaysia. So, please, if you are reading this, can you please leave me a message and tell me how I can find some silk 1 Malaysia fabric?  Please.

Singapore API report today

API(air pollution index) is the reporting grade of air pollution in Asia. Today on the news channel I heard them advise that the API is 250+. It went as high as 371 during the evening yesterday, and now hovering around that again. You can barely see in front of your car - just like a serious fog. Changi airport is cancelling flights due to reduced visibility.  I live about 30 minutes away, so you can be sure we are experiencing the same.  It is hard to breathe, you feel like you are in a fog in your brain, and your nose feels plugged with cotton balls, your eyes burn, your throat burns.  I think this is worse than I experienced in the years I have been here. Even last November did not come close to this.

I cannot imagine what it is like in the exact spot where the fires are raging.  I experienced the eruption of a volcano in North America several years ago. That event left a fine white silt covering everything in its path.  I dont think that could hold a candle to this one. We dont have a volcano, but we certainly have a fire and its consequences.  Singapore continues to cancel school. We dont.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The Last Supper

Just like the famous last supper many years ago, there were settings for 13. Unlike the famous one - none attended this one. Thank God.  I think the nightmare is over.

All that was offered the day previous was still, and still is awaiting diners at the free smorgasbord. I will definitely not be offended if no one shows up.  Now off to brave the polluted air and my journey to schools.

Pollution and Breathing

The pollution has reached a very high level recently.  The official weather and air quality site for the country is very clever. You have to choose a city from a drop down menu to see what the reading is.  You do that, and then it returns to the same page. You keep choosing a city, and it keeps taking you back.  Now that is a very wise way to avoid the question. Must be that collective culture thing. Everyone saves face when you don't upset them with bad news.

Singapore has wisely closed schools due to the air quality there. We wont do that. The thick air is a way of covering the stench from the open sewers.  It works. I have not smelled any foul odors on the way to work recently.

The pollution index where I am is at a reading of 155.  A reading of 100 is considered serious pollution.

According to this chart we are not really in a serious problem. We are only in the red zone.

Air Quality Index
(AQI) Values
Levels of Health ConcernColors
When the AQI is in this range:..air quality conditions are:...as symbolized by this color:
101-150Unhealthy for Sensitive GroupsOrange
151 to 200UnhealthyRed
201 to 300Very UnhealthyPurple
301 to 500HazardousMaroon

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

A Delightful Afternoon with My Out of the Program Fans

Although it was a long day, they were so darn accommodating. They had a feast spread before me for the afternoon meeting - much better than I lay out nightly for the nocturnal visitors at my place. You can tell you had a productive and enjoyable meeting when 4 /12 hours go by and you wonder where the time went.  I think we will have a fine production the day I do the 560 student lesson there.

Another annoying meeting in Battyville this week. The dufus bunch clearly has lost all our contracts, so sneakily suggested that we be sure to bring our signed contracts from when we agreed to the work here. I am feeling dreadful lately. Everyone has been seriously ill for the past month - some sort of super virus.  I have avoided it until now, but think it is finally taking hold. With everyone coughing and sneezing on me it was just a matter of time I guess. Also serious eye itching and congestion. The smog is unbearable currently. You can barely see across a jalan.  I cannot really see the jungle across from my place right now. Should be experiencing asthma again soon, just to complete my unwellness.

Now that the banquet is set here, and I was fed at the school with pepsi and pizza, I am gonna head to the bed and read for my own assignments that are nearing deadlines.  I have one completed, and two to go.

Ah, one of my mentees told me that one must NEVER SAY the word to describe my nocturnal visitors while in the house. If I do, they will become revengeful and gnaw on my bed, pillows, and clothing. So, for now, the banquet is spread for mr R and/or mr M and guests. OK lah, bolah bolah. Li dat

Monday, June 17, 2013

The Banquet Hall Continues to be a Huge Hit

Unfortunately, this smorgasbord has no way of turning away the patrons. Well, maybe a slow reacting way, but so far, they keep lining up and consuming at a rapid pace - nearly everything that is offered.

Not good.

Be Aware. Be Prepared

As of today, June 17th, the number of dengue fever cases in Singapore has reached 1,275 since January 2013. The number of cases diagnosed just today has been reported as 135. The same will be true for Malaysia.  Just not reported.


This rodent issue is bringing some questions to my mind. Am I an OCD or am I just a person who collects data to determine the course of action. Or am I just a freak that cannot handle rodents in the household?  I am going to go with the researcher. It makes me a bit more wholesome than the other two choices.

Today after returning home I spied that the bowl contents have not changed. A pattern that I have determined as nocturnal critters. I am guessing that rats and mice fit that description.  I am not going to check because denial is a route I want to take for this. Reason being - I am choosing that the smorgasbord diners are mice. Very hungry mice. That is hope I cope.

Now to gather the courage to pour more pellets into the bowl and of course photograph that for ongoing data collection. I hope I have assassinated all perps.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Smorgasbord for Rodents Continues

I am not thrilled with the viewing today. Now only 4 large pellets remain in the dish. This tells me that either more are arriving to the new free lunch bar, or the menu is not killing them off like promised. EIther case is not a welcome bit of news for me.

Now what do I do?  Please leave answers here if you have any.

Assassin and Friend

Today I spent the day with a friend from KT. We took in a wedding, we traipsed around JB and she shopped til she dropped.  It was a good outing for her. She works 6 days a week and craves taking to someone in English. I was the English partner today.  And happy to do so.  I didn't even have to talk. On occasion I tried to answer questions, but she was just to happy to be talking and I was just as happy listening.  It was timely too.  After realizing I was a rodent assassin, I needed to get outta the digs.  I really do not want to eventually find the corpse or corpses, but I guess that will come too.  All in good time. For now I shriek hooray for work. I can be gone and not have to be here with 'them'.

Saturday, June 15, 2013


This is really quite interesting. Maybe my next cell phone should be an iPhone.

Dengue Fever Continues to Be a Problem

On the news today, it was reported that there have been over 10.000 confirmed cases of dengue fever in Singapore since January 1 2013.  That is not good.  And as I pointed out to a colleague, mosquitoes do not require visas to cross the border into JB.  With the open sewers here and various other lacks of hygiene, we are most likely at a higher number than that. The difference in reporting here is that most of the clinics do not have the ability to test for dengue fever, so most go unreported.  That was the case when I first had it. They had to transport me by ambulance to a bigger centre to get the test done.  And just in case you are reading this from the comforts of your luxurious north american homes, you too are at risk. Dengue has been reported over there too.

Swat the little nasties whenever you see one.

Friday, June 14, 2013

I Needed a Break from Assignments

Lucky me, I was able to talk with my grandchildren for quite a while today. It was a welcome break from my own studies that have assignments piled to the rafters.  We sat and I asked what sounds letters made, the answers came over FaceTime, and then when all the letters were sounded, the words were produced. What a clever little guy.  He is definitely ready for kindergarten.

Unlike a colleague, who whines and mewls constantly. And when called on it, responds with comments such as this:  Your response is filled with conjecture, which then has judgements of that conjecture. OMG

If conjecture is an inference or judgment based on inconclusive or incomplete evidence, then how can it be a judgement of a judgement - from the same source.  Maybe time for a refresher course in word usage, or scaling down to the level one can use competently.  

OK, now time to be a student.

I Have a Date

One of my Chinese friends is invited to a Malay wedding tomorrow. Her husband is an engineer and out of town. Her son is not available. She just called me. I am her date.  I think it should be good fun to attend this with someone who actually knows what is going on.  Plus, arriving as that foreigner always draws too much attention. Now, with a local, I should blend in.

I will update once we have attended.

More Intercultural Miscommunication

I sent a message to a teacher who works at a school where I am providing group training. This school is not in my program, so it is an extra offering.  There are many things to consider for this project - there are 560 students to teach in this session.  I have put together a fun day, and kept all the teachers informed of what will happen.  We will be having a meeting next week to go over how it will unfold.  To begin the day, I am reading a book with everyone with the help of a projector. The book is a focus on the letter b pronunciation.  I always read this book with the students blowing bubbles because the book is all about a bear, a bull and a baboon blowing bubbles. I managed to collect enough bottles of bubbles for the students but then decided I needed to find out how many teachers will be involved.

My message was:  When you have a minute, can you let me know how many teachers will be involved for the project, please? 

Here is the reply:
About 14 teachers will be around to assist the pupils.I  don't get what Is the minutes you meant , is it the committee members of this project or something else?  I have a record of the meeting which I held on this but I don't know whether it is appropriate .

We English speakers need to remember that the world does not revolve around us. Our short quick versions of a message are not always understood. The gift here was that the teacher, whom I have discovered to be a very good communicator, did not understand the message - and asked! Kudos to her.


I should have taken a photograph of the dish of treats I left out.  Now of course I think there have been massive amounts consumed but not really sure.  I guess the finding of corpses will give me an answer.  Now like an OCD I keep returning to the dish and looking at the leftovers.  Vivaldi blaring on my stereo, lights on in every room, I am assuming I am much like the pied piper - driving the vermin out of the home.  Excuse me for a moment - I need to go and take a photograph now. At least then I will have a baseline.  You see, my current obsession is all about the pellets.   If these things are considered pellets, I am concerned as to what is supposed to consume them. They are the size of giant gumballs you get out of a dispenser.  Frankly, I do not want to see what is consuming them if that is the case.  I was counting on a furry little mickey mouse dude. Not an animal.  I am pretending that the mickey mouse just gnaws on one and dies quickly.

I even left out a small dish of water to make the end come quicker. And in case there were many fighting over the treats, the package of the rest of the stuff is right beside the dish. I have not really considered the end result. Not prepared to face that just now.
 what to do with the remains?

Ah, my friends that believe I am Tao material have a lot to learn.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

So Far So Good

I can still get to the blog so will continue to write. For now.

It was a delight this morning to deliver the library I have donated to the school I visit regularly. The little guys gleefully carried all the cartons of books I managed to salvage from the original inventory I put together a few years ago. As there is a law in place here that no charitable donations can be issued a tax receipt unless that donation is to a Muslim, I am truly giving this one from the heart. No rewards for me other than the reward of knowing that many young people will have something they didn't even know about until I arrived. That is good enough for me. The recipients are that gang that did the video of their school that I posted here a while ago. I am going to miss them all. They genuinely delight in my arrival and squeal in anticipation of what we are going to do that day.

Thank you everyone for making this possible with your own help. Thank you Levi for giving up a book that would be the #1 hit if there was such a thing - Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb!

Now off to find a rodent eradication method of some kind.

I Have a Plan....

For now - the kitchen is it's.  I will vacate.  But hopefully I will receive more than a 'it finish miss' for a response to my question regarding rat/mice control in the home.  I am on a mission. After work today I intend to get some resolution to this rodent infestation. And BTW,thank you to the dufus who showed up at my home with sacks of junk and whatnot to store for her while she traisped off to her vacation spot. That is when the issue began. I know that is the bringer of the problems I now have.  One of those sacks of crap is where the miserable critter was hiding, and now I get to 'enjoy' him.

Now What?

There is a rodent in my kitchen. Now what do I do?

Not Really Sure Where I Fit.....

There seems to be some new idea that anyone who blogs in this country may have to register with the multimedia and communications commission. That is the day I stop blogging.  I started this blog in a country that 99% of the people here have only heard of and have no idea of what it is like or really where it is. I think I do not fit into the rules about to fall on us here. But not sure.

So, having said that, I may be retiring this blog until I land back on soil that allows me to speak to others this way.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Culture, Diversity, and How Some See the World

Welcome to the Western Way.....

This was intended as a humorous message. However, when you read it, decide for yourself.

The $50 Lesson

Recently, while I was working in the flowerbeds in the front yard, my neighbours stopped to chat as they returned home from walking their dog. During our friendly conversation, I asked their little Girl what she wanted to be when she grows up.
 She said she wanted to be Prime Minister some day.
 Both of her Parents, (NDP's [Labour Party]) were standing there, so I asked her, "If you were Prime Minister what would be the first thing you would do?"
 She replied... "I'd give food and houses to all the Homeless People." Her Parents beamed with pride. 
"Wow...what a worthy goal!" I said. "But you don't have to wait until you're Prime Minister to do that!" I told her.
 "What do you mean?" she replied. 
So I told her, "You can come over to my house and mow the lawn, pull weeds, and trim my hedge, and I'll pay you $50. Then you can go over to the grocery store where the Homeless Guy hangs out, and you can give him the $50 to use toward food and a new house."
 She thought that over for a few seconds, then she looked me straight in the eye and asked, "Why doesn't the Homeless Guy come over and do the work, and you can just pay him the $50?"
 I said, "Welcome to Canada."
 Her Parents aren't speaking to me anymore...