VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Friday, June 14, 2013


I should have taken a photograph of the dish of treats I left out.  Now of course I think there have been massive amounts consumed but not really sure.  I guess the finding of corpses will give me an answer.  Now like an OCD I keep returning to the dish and looking at the leftovers.  Vivaldi blaring on my stereo, lights on in every room, I am assuming I am much like the pied piper - driving the vermin out of the home.  Excuse me for a moment - I need to go and take a photograph now. At least then I will have a baseline.  You see, my current obsession is all about the pellets.   If these things are considered pellets, I am concerned as to what is supposed to consume them. They are the size of giant gumballs you get out of a dispenser.  Frankly, I do not want to see what is consuming them if that is the case.  I was counting on a furry little mickey mouse dude. Not an animal.  I am pretending that the mickey mouse just gnaws on one and dies quickly.

I even left out a small dish of water to make the end come quicker. And in case there were many fighting over the treats, the package of the rest of the stuff is right beside the dish. I have not really considered the end result. Not prepared to face that just now.
 what to do with the remains?

Ah, my friends that believe I am Tao material have a lot to learn.

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