VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Where in N A would you pay these prices? (and more intercultural miscommunication)

I just had a gua sha treatment for RM50 which lasts a painful 2 hours. But what a treatment!  I have spoken with my TCM doctor in Canada, she charges $100 for 1 hour.  I had a lamp repaired yesterday for the cost of 50 sens. That is equivalent to $0.16.  I tried to give him more, but he would not take it, and sent me on my way. Both were Chinese business people.  I have discovered that the Chinese people who are in business here are the most fair and honest people to deal with. There was a survey of the various races in the newspaper when I first landed here.Broken down into Malay, Chinese, and Indian, they described each.  I completely disagree with the findings for the Chinese. It indicated they were greedy. They are not greedy; they are industrious, they are entrepreneurial, they are hard working.  Nowhere does that equal greedy.  I think much of the result of this survey is a misunderstanding of the terminology used. Otherwise, I really don't understand why some of the races would agree to what is said here.

racism still rife in Malaysia

An example taken from the poll indicates 71 % of Malays, 60% of Chinese, and 47% of Indians agree that in general - most Chinese are greedy.  I am sure none of them, especially, the Chinese understand the term greedy.  In any case, it is a sad day when these people classify themselves as they do. It also mentions the various religious affiliations with each and I am appalled by the lack of understanding of each of them according to their own religions.  Especially since it is the religion that keeps them apart.  When a Malay thinks that Hari Raya is a celebration of a new year I am thinking it is time for remedial classes for some.  I find the survey interesting in the fact that the various races have made comments that are very likely made due to the misunderstanding of the words in the question.  I am convinced that the term used to define them was not understood in many cases.  Well, not in the religion area - they should know what the basis of their own religion is. This misunderstanding is confirmation to me that intercultural communications lacks in clarity for both and confirmation of understanding on a regular basis. 

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