VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Next - food allergy police

I wear a bracelet because I have allergies to things that most likely would be administered in an emergency in a hospital. It is a discrete little bracelet that hopefully a doctor would notice if necessary.

What bugs me now is the people that get on the bandwagon and carry their allergies to the end of the world.  I work with one who claims a citrus allergy. You would think the world would stop if any citrus fruit came within a hundred miles of her. She claims that she would die if someone in the same building was eating an orange. Not true. I have seen oranges consumed and nada happens. I have made and served hummus, not knowing that there was an allergy. Nothing happened.

Now I just saw some news article that advises that young people who are bullied because they have food allergies need to start support groups. For crying out loud. When are people going to buck up and quit hiding behind bullying?  There are real cases of bullying. But when a wimp cries foul because someone made fun of them and their allergy I draw a line. These whiners trivialize real life threatening allergies. I don't appreciate that.

I also question how many people really have genuine allergies to foods. I am thinking the little rug rats will feign allergy when what they actually mean is " I don't like that ".  My daughter has children in play school. The list of snacks she is allowed to send is longer than the list of all the tomes one reads before completing a PhD.  She checks all the packaging when it is her turn to take treats. Funny. One day she took some mini muffins or cupcakes. Read the package, plus had that particular brand on the allowed list. Funny again. Another package from the same manufacturer but different brand name had a notice on the package - processed in a factory that processes nuts. Too many people I know personally that have family members with food allergies are also the ones who buy nothing but convenience foods, junk food, and takeout. I wonder how many would really have an allergy to foods if they actually ate food.

I better be careful. The food allergy bully police might come to my door.

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