VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Caught off off guard again

I have lost track of time, and just discovered last week that it is once again baby gecko season. The little gaffers scoot around my house, with no idea of the dangers of a big foot vying for the same floor space as they are occupying.  They eventually vacate the house when they discover that Gordon has all the bugs that might show up, covered; and then realize there is no banquet hall for them.  Until that day, and until they are big enough to figure out a way out of here, we dodge each other, and sometimes we don't.  They are so tiny that there really is nothing to clean up when I do step on one. It is kind of entertaining when I ascend the stairway to my bedroom at night. It is like a change of shifts - changing of the guard. I go up, and a fleet of them are scrambling down the rails and stairs once the light is turned on. I know they are bug eaters, but often wonder if they would like a nosh on some fruit or veggies. This photo (not my own) appears they are fascinated with papaya. It also depicts an adult gecko, not the stringy little guys I am talking about. Gecko is probably the wrong term, but I continue to use it, as lizard just is too reptilian for me to accept as a critter that shares my space.  Much cuter than Monty, n'est pas? Look at those cute little rubber suction feet. They have little round knobs which seem to act as toes, splayed out to get a firm grip on wherever they are.

I will be taking their conception spot home with me. I guess they will be like many people who will never be able to return to their first home. Gordie and his concubines meet behind a beautiful batik I picked up from an artist I met a few years ago.  Sorry Gord. My batik. You will have to find a new meeting spot for the ladies.

During breeding season, Gordon emerges from his nest behind the television and makes his way to the batik at the top of this photograph. There, in privacy, he meets the ladies and has his frolic. I cannot imagine what I am going to find behind that batik once I take it down for packing.

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