VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Patience is a Virtue and 94

I do not know where Ry got his patience from. Neither of his parents come to mind when I think of that one.  He has finished his dive, finished decompression, and now waits on the vessel to get going with his own life. He has tickets to Canada for July 1st and now it is clear that he will not be able to make the trip. Airlines dont tend to be very flexible, and he could lose the complete flight just because he is not at the departure location now and wont be on time for the departure.  As many of you have witnessed - I am a very skilled ranter. Not Ry; I am sure he is as frustrated as I am when I rant, but he lets it go and lets his life unfold.  Maybe a page from his book is what I need.  Can you teach an old dog a new trick?  Maybe.

So, the two Canucks, in different parts of SE Asia will have to celebrate Canada Day alone with our bowls of rice I guess, while his Beautiful Asian girlfriend boards a flight to Canada to celebrate with our family with burgers, steaks, and all the goodies we have no option to enjoy over here. Bon Apetit and Happy Birthday Canada - in a few days.

What I will miss:

What I look forward to:
BBQ steak
fresh Okanagan peaches & cherries
No Ramadan drivers on the roads (soon to be an issue here)

It did not rain last night, so more smog to look forward to on my route to a school.  But I get to be the judge at a speaking contest - that will be fun!

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