VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Singapore API report today

API(air pollution index) is the reporting grade of air pollution in Asia. Today on the news channel I heard them advise that the API is 250+. It went as high as 371 during the evening yesterday, and now hovering around that again. You can barely see in front of your car - just like a serious fog. Changi airport is cancelling flights due to reduced visibility.  I live about 30 minutes away, so you can be sure we are experiencing the same.  It is hard to breathe, you feel like you are in a fog in your brain, and your nose feels plugged with cotton balls, your eyes burn, your throat burns.  I think this is worse than I experienced in the years I have been here. Even last November did not come close to this.

I cannot imagine what it is like in the exact spot where the fires are raging.  I experienced the eruption of a volcano in North America several years ago. That event left a fine white silt covering everything in its path.  I dont think that could hold a candle to this one. We dont have a volcano, but we certainly have a fire and its consequences.  Singapore continues to cancel school. We dont.

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