VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

I Braved the Rain - I Got Xiao Bai Cai

It was worth the trek. I took two packets of what is baby bok choy here. What we call baby bok choy in north america, they call mature. Probably what we call mature, they would consider inedible. So the tidbits here are a miniature gastronomic delight.  I cant prepare them properly - I don't have a gas ring like the locals use.  What was amusing was I returned to my local haunt and the same restaurant people were there. I had been told they would be gone.  My friend at the counter got a calendar down from the wall and explained the situation. She had mistakenly, or perhaps things changed - told me that they would be gone. Now, running her finger down the row of days, she showed me these people would remain at her establishment, but look over here - they will be gone. Then, for these day, there will be no one. Then, after those days, new people will open the restaurant again. Sure. Whatever. For tonight I have xiao bai cai.  And I cleverly took my 4 tiered steel food carrier. Very smart.  They otherwise take the order of food, slap it on a piece of plastic and then tie it in a knot. All leaks on the way home, and is a pain to try to open without having all the food all over the place while burning your hands.

look at the difference - the big one is like the baby ones in north america. the other bunch are the local variety

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