VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Who Lives on Jalan Sahala?

I am not sure if I ran this by you before. If so, I digress.  I find it so amusing, I have to talk about it again.

I have noted that every city, village, and kampong has at least one Jalan Sahala. I decided that like many of the other named streets here, some Sahala dude had made a huge impact on this country. First, if you have not already gathered, Jalan means street, road, motorway, anything to drive on. Sahala is what made me ponder. Each time I saw it I made a mental note to google the word when I got home so that I could understand what important deed this person did to get his name plastered on every city. I always forgot. Now as time approaches to leave, I still did not have the information to engage in local conversation about the Sahala dude that impacted this country. Good thing I didn't try to fake this. I saw the sign as I was leaving my hairdresser. I felt comfortable enough to ask her who this was. Sahala translates to ONE WAY.  It is not someone. It is a road sign. You have to understand one factor that caused me to never figure this out earlier. EVERYONE drives in any direction, on any side of the street that suits their fancy or to make their route easier for them to navigate. I am intelligent enough to have figured out ONE WAY if the drivers had heeded the message.

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