VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Why I Didn't Go To Singapore This Week

I may be an ostrich but for this time, ignorance is bliss.  I am sure it is just ignorance.  But Singapore has reported recently that there have been over 8000 dengue fever cases since the beginning of the year.  This is the highest record of cases in recording.  Now, just across the straits is where I live. But since there is no reporting here, even though Viet Nam to the north also reports record highs, I will just play along and pretend we don't have any.  Another two people have died from it as well in Singapore, a 20 year old and a 60 year old.  So age does not play favourites with this one.  What is rampant here, you ask? Hoof and mouth disease.  My colleague just called me from his car on the way to the hospital with his 5 year old daughter. She seems to have succumbed to the nasty infection.  Another good reason to keep my distance from the children yet again.  I do not want that one.  Washing hands is the way to avoid it, but with most schools having no soap, many, no water, it becomes a challenge to wash your hands.

So, work begins tomorrow. I had a good rest, read my new course material, cleaned my home, and got many errands run that were perking on the back burner for far too long.  Ready with my materials for the professional development tomorrow, and the meeting with a school outside our project the next day, A wave  of my wand, click my of heels, spray of  mosquito repellent, and say onward and forward to the schools. And no touching!

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