VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Xiao Bai Caio

Just when things start to work there comes a snag. My local Pan Asian (just recently heard this term) restaurant keeps running out of Xaio Bai Cai  when I stop in for vittles. Today I outsmarted them. I stopped at the grocery shop and picked up two little packets of baby Xaio Bai Cai, and intended to stop in and have them cook them. When I first arrived here years ago I would take them the veggies  I wanted cooked because  I didn't have a stove.  The restaurant was closed. Worse than that. They told me the last time they would be moving 3 stalls down at the end of May. Hmmm. There is nothing 3 stalls down. This could mean two things. They are gone completely. They are not ready for business at the new location. Either one means no chef pour moi.

The veggies are in the fridge awaiting my decision to cook or not to cook. I just cleaned the kitchen today and it took the whole day. Not just the kitchen. But do I really want to muck it up with cooking?  Or wait to see if my friends have opened their doors again tomorrow?  I like the latter.

I do have a few bags of pistachios. That could sustain me for the night. And some dried figs.

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