VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

A Delightful Afternoon with My Out of the Program Fans

Although it was a long day, they were so darn accommodating. They had a feast spread before me for the afternoon meeting - much better than I lay out nightly for the nocturnal visitors at my place. You can tell you had a productive and enjoyable meeting when 4 /12 hours go by and you wonder where the time went.  I think we will have a fine production the day I do the 560 student lesson there.

Another annoying meeting in Battyville this week. The dufus bunch clearly has lost all our contracts, so sneakily suggested that we be sure to bring our signed contracts from when we agreed to the work here. I am feeling dreadful lately. Everyone has been seriously ill for the past month - some sort of super virus.  I have avoided it until now, but think it is finally taking hold. With everyone coughing and sneezing on me it was just a matter of time I guess. Also serious eye itching and congestion. The smog is unbearable currently. You can barely see across a jalan.  I cannot really see the jungle across from my place right now. Should be experiencing asthma again soon, just to complete my unwellness.

Now that the banquet is set here, and I was fed at the school with pepsi and pizza, I am gonna head to the bed and read for my own assignments that are nearing deadlines.  I have one completed, and two to go.

Ah, one of my mentees told me that one must NEVER SAY the word to describe my nocturnal visitors while in the house. If I do, they will become revengeful and gnaw on my bed, pillows, and clothing. So, for now, the banquet is spread for mr R and/or mr M and guests. OK lah, bolah bolah. Li dat

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