VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Saturday, June 22, 2013

If You Need Prednisolone - you can always get it here

I just finished up at the clinic yet again. The smog has caused me to drag my weary butt around, barely able to breathe deeper than my clavicle.  So, off I trotted to the clinic. They stuck a mask on my face after checking my lungs and blew something through the nebulizer into my lungs. I am not sure this was good for me, but don't really care. I can breath down to my toes again.  Armed with some masks, ventolin,  and another round of prednisolone, I was on my way again. The drugs will be filed in #13.  I am beginning to think this drug is something the rest of the world dumped and these guys picked them up at a fire sale. You have to realize that I am on some kind of health plan, so this lot has figured out how to send me home with some drug that will be approved by my health care provider and allow them to ditch the overstock they have in their inventory.  I wonder if they would prescribe it for a hangnail? Maybe - one never knows if the finger will become inflamed, right?

I sit in my favourite haunt - White Coffee, and had a ice blend cappuccino.  I have also almost finished the second assignment for my studies too.  It is funny. All of us here could double as bandits. Almost everyone is wearing a mask.  Pretty hard to describe the perp - right? Well, except for me - I have the telltale blue eyes.

Also have my bluetooth stuck in my ear. But I guess that was a waste. Unless I want to call someone in Canada who will go crazy on me for calling in the middle of the night. Might as well turn it off. I have no desire to talk to any colleagues.

Soon you will see the countdown to Canada.  We are only about 3 months away.  But then, I am not sure if I will know the actual blast off date until minutes before the flight. So, maybe a sorta countdown will be what I post. I am already collecting knock knock  jokes for my grandson.  Now I hope I can remember them when the time comes.

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