VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Air Quality and other fluff

There is a site to check the air quality.  I checked this morning and see that KT is down somewhat to a reading of 291 as I write this blog.  Where I work is still in the 333 range.  I have to go north to a meeting in Batty, and there does not seem to be a reading for that area, but I am guessing it is in the range of the others.  Reading a report from the Wall Street Journal amuses me. It indicates the rage from Singapore experiencing this serious air quality crisis and the cause coming from slash and burn in Indonesia.  What also is interesting is the message from Singapore. Being an Asian culture, they have no intention of confronting the Indonesians - that would make it impossible to save face. So, they do their best to deal with the outfall and I guess wonder how it can be stopped.  The same article indicated that Malaysia has had no negative experience regarding this air pollution, with K L, the capital reporting nothing in that direction. What the heck?  We live across a small stretch of water from Singapore. The air quality reading that we have has a higher pollution reading than Singapore.  But I guess as long as you dont talk about it, it doesnt exist. The elephant is in the room. We just cannot see it.

Now I prepare to take the journey to Batty for another useless meeting.  I cant imagine what the visibility on the highway will be like. No sense in thinking about it, it will be what it will be.  Maybe I should paste this picture in the rear of my car just in case someone behind me is passing in the wrong lane - and can see past the front of their car.
You idiot, don't you know you are supposed to pass on the right?

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