VIA ONE RAINFOREST TO ANOTHER - thought these guys were more appropriate. I see their cousins every day

Thursday, June 13, 2013

So Far So Good

I can still get to the blog so will continue to write. For now.

It was a delight this morning to deliver the library I have donated to the school I visit regularly. The little guys gleefully carried all the cartons of books I managed to salvage from the original inventory I put together a few years ago. As there is a law in place here that no charitable donations can be issued a tax receipt unless that donation is to a Muslim, I am truly giving this one from the heart. No rewards for me other than the reward of knowing that many young people will have something they didn't even know about until I arrived. That is good enough for me. The recipients are that gang that did the video of their school that I posted here a while ago. I am going to miss them all. They genuinely delight in my arrival and squeal in anticipation of what we are going to do that day.

Thank you everyone for making this possible with your own help. Thank you Levi for giving up a book that would be the #1 hit if there was such a thing - Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb!

Now off to find a rodent eradication method of some kind.

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